Horde VS Alliance

Hello all, here to discuss pros and cons of each faction.

I myself am a PvPer so my POV may be different.

fast pvp queues
Bad pvpers?

Larger population
BiS appearance
Better cities

Can’t decide what faction I should choose for Wrath prep / TBC end. I want to PVP specifically BGs and Arena. Which faction is the best choice for me, in your opinion?

Not any more, blizzard caved and gave horde same faction BG’s.


And they wonder why no one goes Alliance? No point to them then?

Play the faction/race you like and don’t worry about any of that other crap. The only real factor is population but both sides have realms to choose from.


When I was pvp’ing in Arygos many years ago before classic was available the Horde used to own alliance at pvp. I haven’t pvp’d in classic so it would be interesting to see if alliance is any better now.

Bingo you got it

Undead RMPs complain about perception without realizing the hypocrisy usually. Alliance racials are pretty dog compared to horde for 3s/5s

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If you’re thinking wrath and pvp it’s human and not even close.

They get a free PvP trinket it’s insane.

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No, your PoV is just wrong.


What’s your right PoV then?

Depends on which expansion you’re talking about.

Right now in SOM Alliance are the dominant faction absolutely winning every BG.

In wrath it was pretty similar due to EMFH.

I find nothing looks better in RP gear than Orcs, Human Males, and Tauren. Everything else is kinda poo. Night Elf/Belf ears ruin things with their ears, trolls can’t wear boots and them toes are ick. Orcs look like buffed humans all covered up. And tauren are just majestic as hell.

Cities for alliance feel epic and immersive. I find the only city on horde I enjoy is Thunderbluff.

If you want to arena and want to min/max you’re going human. There’s no question about it. Double resil trinkets or double DPS trinkets can’t be beat.


Racials don’t really matter. Horde cities suck. Gear looks best on humans.

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Well, depends on how many honor/rep afkers are on alliance. There are generally good pvp if some of your team doesn’t go afk for passive honor or marks. For pvp wrath arena or bg you want to be a human. For pvp tbc orc most likely. In wrath racials are as fair as in som1, so do what everyone is doing and reroll human, unless it is a non-human class but then alliance as you want some humans on your arena/bg team.

This guy pvps.

This guy does not pvp.

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Tbh racials are a super cope… they really only matter in the top 1%

A great player beats a good player regardless of racials.

But yeah I’d play human for sure


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