Horde VS Alliance Population

I have been trying to find info on how unbalanced the factions are, does anyone have any insight into this? like alliance vs horde in pvp.

There you go. You’re welcome.


This is where I generally look. I should note there are no official numbers. Everything is a guess based on metrics.

It’s so bad Horde runs around flagged with complete impunity and Alliance can’t step outside a capital city without getting rolled by 343984092890384 Horde.


Go google it and you will see it is pretty balanced. US side is slightly more alliance while EU is slightly more Horde. Talking about .5% difference either way.

I’f your looking for a specific server to join for a faction check WoW realm population because some servers will skew heavily one way or the other.

Now as to what the player base does is different. You will find more of the player base that is mid to high level PvE/PvP minded players to go to the horde faction. Casual players that focus on RP, mount collecting, mog collecting and pet collecting tend to be Alliance.

Blizzard has also stated that the overall player populations are roughly even.

Oops my bad, 2 years ago it was more balanced. Looks like Horde FTW for PvE

I typically look at server pops on Wow Progress, but as people say, any site showing numbers is just guessing so you gotta pick who you think is the most accurate.

I want to know why it matters, although for some strange reason I suddenly needed to know the balance ratio! I apparently have too much time on my hands. So nevermind I guess.