Horde! Transfer to Deviate Delight!

We only want RPers. The rest of you can stay here.

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In three years, they will launch Classic TBC. Grob and DD Vanilla realms will probably merge.

So those that are leaving, we’ll see you in a few years.


Redwood Tribes is staying on Grobbulus.

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Just an FYI - EST servers are in chicago, they aren’t in new york anymore.

So it’s a chicaco data center (DD) vs a west coast data center.

Already there! My crew will be bolstering the horde ranks! :facepunch:

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All the more reason to prefer DD since the ping will be better for everyone not on the west coast.

how about no and i transfer my foot up your culo.

Honestly this is getting pathetic your server is most likely going to stay Low pop (sometimes medium at peak times) no matter how many threads you make in our forums.


I’ve transferred, so you’ll have to transfer if you want to do that.

Getting worried?

Honestly, I don’t think transfers are a threat to anything on Grobbulus other than the queue times.

Even on Deviate Delight, we don’t need transfers for population; we just need transfers for population balance. That’s why I’m only encouraging Horde to transfer.

Hopefully it does stay medium pop (even though Blizz has already said classic’s medium pop have more players than the biggest realms of 2006). As I found Grob great, but a little too zergy for me.

I prefer the true vanilla WoW experience of a smaller realm without layers.


Stop trying to snipe from Grobb. Go play on DD forums.


Emerald Grobbulus will live on. We wish you luck, Deviate Deserters!


No i’m not worried you are that’s why you’re here.

The snotty ED attitude makes it much easier to leave.


What do you expect when you’re literally making a thread asking people to leave the community? Get over yourself and go play on your server.


The snotty ED attitude predates the free transfers, and is probably the reason why transfers are getting a lot more takers on Grobbulus than on Herod.

In Vanilla, only a minority of RPPVP players were on Emerald Dream, and I suspect the same is true of Grobbulus now. Acting like the ED clique is all of “the community” just makes everyone else feel excluded. Why shouldn’t I let them know they have a choice to go where they’ll be welcomed?

If you actually wanted a Grobbulus server community, you’d include everyone on the server equally instead of limiting your clique to Emerald Dream rerolls.

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Because I wager if they want to move they already are aware.

You’re taking my attempt at being facetious way too seriously. In fact, as I’ve said in another thread:


Imagine a night elf player cant take a joke

Enjoy your time in the deviate Delight re education camps


Deviate Delight is still Alliance heavy and still needs Horde. According to census mods it has improved from 60/40 to 55/45 since the start of free transfers, but still has a way to go. Horde, transfer and be part of the solution!

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See here’s the thing. According to all of OUR polling data, Grobbulus already has near-perfect balance (slightly in favor of the Alliance)

So this thread isnt just advocating for Horde to transfer over to DD to fix your faction imbalance, its advocating for Horde to leave Grobbulus to RUIN our faction balance.

Its all well and good that you and your guild decided to leave Grob for DD and I wish DD the best of luck in the future, but respectfully, screw you and screw this thread.
