Horde still needs lumber

And Ashenvale is so close


Loktar Ogar


Victory or death!

Unless the death in question may, in fact, be mine, in which case running away is a perfectly viable and honorable option, as is pulling a dues ex machina out of my improbably spiky pauldrons.


You know, I like playing on the Horde, with their Foxes and Sindorei and all…

But we had a Warchief that was handed a big fudging tree… and the Horde burned it on command.

Imagine the wood we could have gotten from that stupid place Fandral dug up. Teldrilfudge or what ever.

But noooo, we had to burn it.

We had access to a big tree that was ostensibly filled with wood. And we burned it. I think we better shed that pretense.


Thunderbluff is closer. Try strip mining that first.


Blizzard made Lorthemae pronounce the sentence upon the Horde that Baine is the best of us.

So it is.

As if he had something to offer. I eagerly await…

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I’ve no idea how anything works in this setting.

I’ve seen a Goblin enlarge a minature building with a ray gun. Sure there was also a giant rat now but I see that as a bonus.

So surely several boxes of Lincoln Logs could build entire wings of Orgrimmar if need be. Not to mention permanent open portals seem manageable so you could just pull from the Grizzly Hills.


no justice, no peace


We have lumber from Stonetalon Mountains.

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I’m pretty sure Night Elf Druids grew trees to feed their people, before that unfortunate incident. Troll and Tauren Druids should do the same. Lumber and food solved, there we go baby.


Loads rune blade Try me ‘mon’

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After everything we’ve been through, Ashenvale wood seems so… normal.

Think we could get one of the giant trees in Ardenweald through a portal?


What does the Horde need lumber for? Tetanus City (Orgrimmar) is made of metal now.


“Horde still needs lumber”

You have now more druids then Alliance. Grow your own! )
Or buy it from trolls Empire.


crater hinterlands, sneaky medivh moved the horde to kalimdor

The lumber issue never made sense, in Cata the Horde needed lumber because they were trying to fuel the war effort that they’d started to get lumber.

In any case, at the end of MoP the Horde and kaldorei signed a treaty that ceded Azshara and Stonetalon to the former, and all the trees therein. If they’ve used up all that in seven or so years then they’re a threat to Azeroth on par with the Primalists, because goodness gracious they must be eating the stuff.


Didn’t they use ships? And were chased on the high seas by Daelin Proudmoore? That’s not really my niche lore interest tbh, I don’t know much about the Horde’s Exodus to Kalimdor.

They did use ships, but weren’t being chased by Daelin. He arrived a fair bit later, after the Battle of Mount Hyjal and after Theramore had been at least somewhat set up. They were sent there by Medivh, though, via his guise as a prophet.


Medivh had a hand in bringing the Horde to Azeroth because Sargeras tricked him with a vision of the Horde saving Azeroth.

To have an excuse to kill some elves, obviously