Horde Side RP

New to Hordeside ED, wondering where the RP hubs are if they are there. Been on ED long time, finally going lok’tar, and I’m curious. The RP seems there but, well. I can’t seem to find the horde side blue recluse! Any help would be much appreciated!

Hmmm wyvern’s tail tavern in Org is one of the main hubs, we like to hang out at different places to help attract new/returning rp’ers.

Yeah, the Tail is the would be place. However it is empty most of the time. I’m even guilty of not hanging around there when able.

Best would be to make some connections in game, our out. We have a discord and community we do a lot of organizing in and around.

Horde RP discord: https://discord.gg/EmmcbgY

Horde RP Community: NKv9bqEiEPA

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We typically have at least a weekly event. We’ve tried to get the Tail going as a spot many times over the years with mixed results.

Personally I think it’s just kinda a dull area. I’ve suggested trying to give Dazar’Alor a shot, it has a lot of interesting watering holes. But I’ve had RP events there where players get Thanos snapped mid conversation because somehow they got moved into a different shard.

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