Horde RP/PvP Interest

For the last month or so I’ve considered reviving a long-dead notion of mine. A heavy RP/PvP oriented horde guild with a military theme. D20 events twice weekly with themes of dark/combat/investigation/mystery, perhaps a casual to medium-serious side of world pvp. The inspiration for the guild is the horde offensive, centered around northrend and cata groups. Any interest?


Heavy RP/PVP is always a welcomed sight in my opinion!


Should you do so, let me know and we can coordinate some stuff!

I like the idea of RP-RVP. It used to be my jam. The biggest issue I see here is that there isn’t a big enough population of PvPers on Ally side to support RP-PvP. It can be coordinated with MG possibly.


I think if you leave it open, you could have a lot of interest (even from people outside of the guild) for RP-PVP stuff


I’ve been running a RP/PvP guild on and off for some time now but I’ve come to the consensus that I just can’t dedicate being a GM anymore. I’m always interested in some Horde RP/PvP so let me know what happens with this.