Horde RP - Thoughts and Discussion

Healthy social interaction is abound with respected disagreement.

My entire point of both of these posts was very simple. I’m not detracting you for watching to hang out with those that you are like minded with. You can and of course should be around those that make you comfortable.
What I am trying to drive home as I try to make as perceptive as possible, Is that when you champion a cause or carry its standard; You will be open to being held to both it’s most positive aspects and it’s most negative aspects. Stereotypes, essentially.
I bring this up because a lot of people on the progressive side of an argument tend to believe that they are being judged by just wanting to love the same sex or because play have a same sex sexual preference. They do not seem to comprehend or they refuse to cover it when I describe the negative stereotypes of that group are not actually about what they care or what they love about, But more about what the fringe do in the name of that representation. I know far right people. They have pretty asinine beliefs that are outside commin discourse. What should concern more people is what the neutral think. Most of the people I talk about who are politically centered tend to avoid banner carriers because of not exactly unfounded stereotype of slander, libel, aggression, and worst extremes doxxing and harassment. When I try to bring these up, its handwaved as a nonissue or craziness. “That doesn’t happen in our community” syndrome.
No matter if it happens or not, the public perception is a calculation of what the fringe believes divided by what the clique allows the fringe to get away with.

Homosexuality is already normalized, accepted in the public mind, and legally protected. You are never going to change the fringe or hermetic into accepting it because statistically they don’t matter. You’re rights would not have been legalized if the neutral was against it.

Rather than circling off into ugly discourse that genuinely does not matter anymore.
I want to bring it back around to what i’m talking about public perception and understanding consequences outside of an ingroup, particularly shutting out the hesitant by flying colors instead of trying to embrace a politically and ideologically neutral view in a setting that craves immersion in a setting so far detracted from reality that its easy to forget real life stratification.

Edit: I hate mobile posting.