Horde RP Guild?

Hello! I am a returning player to the game as of a week and a half ago and am looking forward to playing some Hardcore. Currently, I am playing an orc hunter on Skull Rock and would love to hear from any orcish-style RP guilds on the server.

I’m sub-level 10 at the moment, so if I need to swap over to the other HC server to find what I am looking for, then I’m happy to do so. It was my understanding that Skull Rock was the unofficial Horde server, but I’m so out of touch with the community that I could be way off base.

So! Any tribal/clan RP going on in Hardcore?

Roleplaying :skull::skull::skull:

Yep! Role playing. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean that no one does.


Nobody rps in HC. Its all streamers and their followers faking cringey meme death content. Sorry bro

Unfortunately I’m not sure of any RP guilds on Skull Rock, but you might have better luck on DP. I think that’s where most of us decided to go. So far I’ve only seen Alliance guilds being advertised though.

Yeah, I found an Alliance side RP guild on DP, but I was hoping I might dig up something on red team if I asked around.

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I don’t have a guild but I’d be down to start up some horde rp in hardcore, let me know

This was posted recently,

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You might need to make sure you’ve got your Foreman’s Blackjack for that one.


Red Sand Charter is a mercenary guild. It was started by officers with Redwood Tribes on Grobb/ED, so we are all about the RP. I’m on discord at okwahoredwood if you want to know more :wink:



Guild Leader, please let your members know about this opportunity…

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Citizens of Azeroth,

King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind is proud to proclaim the first-ever –

“There can only be one! – L20 Mak’gora Tournament”

The rules are simple: Be the last one standing.

WHERE: In front of Stormwind Castle

DATE: Friday 9/15/23


SERVER: Skull Rock

PRIZE: ** Winner is awarded 100 gold**

(and the honorary title “Champion of Anduin”!)

Matchups will be random and based on number of entries and the tournament bracket.

Rounds will happen all simultaneously—every 10 minutes with 5-minute breaks.

To enter send an in-game email to “Wargamer” before 5 pm PST the day of the tournament.

Include your

  • character name
  • race
  • class

Good luck citizen – for Azeroth!

And who knows, perhaps the young king will send this new champion to look for his father.