Hello! I am a returning player to the game as of a week and a half ago and am looking forward to playing some Hardcore. Currently, I am playing an orc hunter on Skull Rock and would love to hear from any orcish-style RP guilds on the server.
I’m sub-level 10 at the moment, so if I need to swap over to the other HC server to find what I am looking for, then I’m happy to do so. It was my understanding that Skull Rock was the unofficial Horde server, but I’m so out of touch with the community that I could be way off base.
Unfortunately I’m not sure of any RP guilds on Skull Rock, but you might have better luck on DP. I think that’s where most of us decided to go. So far I’ve only seen Alliance guilds being advertised though.
Red Sand Charter is a mercenary guild. It was started by officers with Redwood Tribes on Grobb/ED, so we are all about the RP. I’m on discord at okwahoredwood if you want to know more