Horde - Risen from the Ashes

We are Risen from the Ashes! Our history starts on the Azuresong Server as “Bad Company”, formed just before The Burning Crusade launched. We then transferred to Mankrik in April 2022 to give ourselves better raiding opportunities than we had on Azuresong, with the Horde population getting smaller by the day. With a fresh start came a new name, and a new focus on clearing current content.

We are currently looking to recruit a few players for our raid teams! We currently have two 25 man teams, and two and a half 10 man teams.

Listed below will are the raid days/times as well as the classes/specs we are looking to recruit!

For transparency, Risen from the Ashes’ loot rules are as follows:

  • We follow the “That’s my BiS” loot system. This means upon joining the guild, and then again at the beginning of each new content Tier, players will form a wishlist of their BiS items from all raids from that current Tier. They can then rank them in order of importance to them. All players can see each others wish lists, and may alter their lists for less competition on drop order. When the item drops, it is first awarded to the player who happens to have the highest rank priority for the item in question.
  • In the event 2 players have an item ranked the same, they will roll to see who is rewarded first.
  • Some items may be prioritized to a specific class for reasons that will be explained should this occur.
  • When pugs are involved the system is still used and PuG’s will be allowed 2 Soft Reserves that the guild members on the list will have to roll against.
  • For a video on this system, please refer to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGVxY7sCD2I
  • Legendary Items are Pre-designated to guild members - Each team is responsible for designating. Attendance, Reliability, Attitude and Willingness to get Legendary Quest done.
  • 4 Designated Raid Night (Two Week) - Probationary No BiS Loot Period for new Raid Members (may of course roll on open loot).
  • No Buying or selling of won gear in Raids. If you are willing to sell it, you really did not need it. If found selling or buying from guild raids this could suspend your ability to get loot from future raids and could end in termination from the guild.
  • No show, no message in the proper channel and you will be disqualified from loot for the following week.

25 Man - Tuesday/Thursday - 9:30pm-12:30am
• Affliction Warlock
• Frost DK
• Elemental Shaman
• Rogue

25 Man - Friday/Saturday – 8pm-11pm
• Survival Hunter
• Fury Warrior
• Elemental Shaman or Ret Paladin are also acceptable

10 Man Wednesday – 8:30pm-11:30pm
• No Currently Looking

10 Man Sunday – 8pm-11pm
• Non-DK Tank
• 1 Non-Mage Caster DPS
• 2 Melee DPS

10 Man Sunday – 9:30 pm-12:30 pm
• Not Currently Looking

All teams are also seeking Bench players of all Roles. (A Bench is a player who is on standby to fill in for absent raiders. These are typically people who cannot commit regularly to a set schedule for whatever reason.)

Raid times are based off server time (EST).

If you have any interest in joining a team, please feel free to contact the following via in game mail or simply leave a comment with how to contact you (Discord tag, game name, etc…) Or even just to join our community as a casual or PVP player please let us know!

Tues/Thurs 25 Team
In-game name: Chickenlite
Discord tag: Chickenbones#8273

Fri/Sat 25 Team
In-game name: Netherdead
Discord tag: Strandcore#7306

Sunday 8pm 10m Team
In-game name: Vornix
Discord Tag: Kalidragon#0590

General Guild Inquiries
In-game name: Hellgrave
Discord Tag: Xisonfire#4006