Horde returning player Looking for Guild (day time raiding)

Hey All, getting back into wow full force, leveling up a fury war right now. Looking for a guild that is active during the day for raids.

I’m looking for those that still play retail or coming back to retail, that are looking for an active guild or realm. I’m going to try and revive my old guild ,now named, horde on emerald dream. Its going to be pretty much come as you are and game as you can. We’ll have set nights for things if we have people that would like to lead raids, PvP stuff or guild events. A buddy of mine says his guild is this way and it works. It allows those that have a busy IRL, able to use their free game time for their benefit doing things in game that they enjoy. Example:If there is a raid up and you’d like to join , high enough lvl, geared enough and want to go. Simply sign up, be in discord and ready to go before raid. If you cant then you simply don’t sign up. With this system however in order to progress or make game time enjoyable, there’d have to be consistency and dedication towards raiding, PvP and guild events as with any guild on any realm. There are no ranks to climb as it just adds stress and makes game more like a job instead of focusing on enjoying the game.With exceptions to having a few people in higher ranks to help keep the guild running smoothly. Discord for voice chatting and hanging out when gaming as usual. Hit me up if this interests you and you wish to help or join. Thanks! Siyue#11718