Horde premade tryhards

Ya’ll need to get a job or something, buds. My afternoon break and, every bg is sweaty greasy flabby premade boys playing these BG’s like its rated.


I noticed this too…

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Every CTF keeping hunters at their base so they know which of 3 ways I am leaving their base and rotating diamond ice traps.

Honestly i can call ur exit while sitting in your flagroom on any class in the game. You can target people across the map and see thier healthbar. Id say its more of that than a hunter sitting outside the base all game.

Alliance crying when the shoe is on the other foot.

Don’t listen to him, my premade brethren.

Keep queuing as Horde. I’m like Scrooge McDuck - swimming in Honor.


You also can click their name across the map with a big enough name to see.

I work for a living I can’t premade.

Are you saying horde are all sweaty twitch tryhards now?

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We all know you grab flag and flap off the alliance base.

You big owl chicken lol

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Yeah cause the Alliance don’t premade at all. It’s not like they are the meta faction with more players and better racials either. Poor Alliance they have it so hard right now. Won’t anyone think of the Alliance?


Both sides have premades. Both sides pugs get the brutality of these premades. Nowhere is safe. :frowning:

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Its both Horde and Alliance.

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Yes and your premades being horde should only be facing alliance premades and let the pugs fight between themselves.

As it stands, If im in a premade Im facing pug teams 3/4 games.

The times I’ve faced your Premade which you are always a part of we have not had a premade on our side.

I think I can recall once decent game against you when our team had a premade. So you can try to frame it anyway you want. The matchmaking system is trash as it stands.

For the past 20 years, every forsaken and orc main I met IRL was an edgy problem child.

Duels outside orgrimmar were ‘lulz play a real spec’ and not ‘GG’ hardly ever.

Nah, problem children gonna problem.

Alliance premades, I don’t see my teams curbstomp and GY farm much /shrug

Rant over, sorry folks.

When can we transfer honor? I don’t want to be a liability as a 639 healer.

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Your Premade was yummy !


Owl you used to be against premades right? Shame on you.

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playing blitz is less worse than doing random bgs rn lol


How do you know they’re premades? I’m not really good with time zones, but I wonder if those are the Asia horde players, so it might be their natural prime time or something.

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I strickly solo que random bgs and honestly i have no issues facing 5man groups. Q syncing i do have a prob with tho but thats an epic bg issue and i honestly hate most of the maps and dont que it anymore anyhow. As a solo player look at fighting premades differently. You have 5 people in disc with each other who will peel for each other and help each other. Tilt one (one golfclap will do it) and you get the whole team on you that game. Use that to your advantage and put them in egypt chasing you.

did you transition?

I feel you, but until Blizzard does something about it (which they probably won’t) because it’s unrated. What can YOU do? I hate it, and I think it’s truly pathetic. But I also avoid it outside of weekly now lol. If it was up to me everyone taking advantage of this should be banned for a set amount of time, because it’s gotten so bad now there’s no longer a casual side to PvP.