Do you guys ever forgot the names of each other since there’s so many of you guys.
I’ll tell you a secret, Alliance and Horde are pretty much the same people.
We sometimes forget the names of the alliance players too but that’s only because alliance aren’t worth remembering.
I must have poor memory, because in addition to not remembering most horde players I can’t for the life of me remember alliance players either, even with their names spamming chat with honorable kills
If I said I’ve seen you before it’s because there is 500 of you per server. (Undead rogue male with edgy name)
What an odd question, coming from an Alliance on Heartseeker.
I know this is a spite post.
But do you know literally every single person on your server?
And your past interactions?
Hell i dungeon-ed with some annoying people, i’ll play with them again and not even know it.
Yes. Photographic memory is my curse. I remember all the details. Especially the horrible ones that you wish you could bleach from your brain.
cries in Goldshire
Sees Döt crying in Goldshire, comforts Döt by putting my arms around her
It’s just me, the goldshire poolboy girl, here to clean out the lake. I’m also the plumber here to fix some pipes. PS did someone order a pizza with extra sausage?
Yes I dont k ow every person on my server but I can name every single guild on my server, as well as assure you I recognize every active ally on my server. To be fair my server had the second smallest ally pop of any server. Yay Skeram!
If I played on Heartseeker, I probobly would remember everyone’s name.
Why can’t we just have roast threads?
Roesen do you even know what an Alliance looks like
On my server it’s 2:1 Alliance to Horde.
I can’t remember what I was doing two days ago. Aside from guildies I don’t remember anyone’s name unless you were so bad I had to kick you from the group.
Every single person? No. I am sure there are people on my server who i just haven’t bumped into yet.
But I do have a pretty decent memory, not photographic but I tend to remember people and interactions that most others forget.
I have a ton of people on my spy addon and i could tell you how every one of them got on there. I could also tell you things i noticed about their gameplay. Did they forget to lay down a totem? Did they eat the mana burn? Did they let me hardcast? Are they daggers? Did they use a shadow reflect trinket? Did they switch to zerker stance? On and on and on.
Isn’t this how most people are on pvp servers?
Know your enemy, I’m pretty sure i read that someplace.
Horde but in the color blue