Horde players

With the major amount of players around lvl 19-29. do we have any higher level horde players would like to start getting into higher dungeons. ZF for an example. me and my guildy are in our mid 40’s just questing due to no1 is around our lvl to do dungeon etc.

13 days later…my 39 hunter was in Gadgetzan and did a /who…

No one…at all in Tanaris…anywhere…Nothing. Nadda. Just before that I was in STV and there was about 4. Went back to Org…about 5 people standing around.

Does seem to be Alliance heavy here, but the upside of the PvE server is that you can have characters on both sides. Sorry my level 6 Shaman is of no help to you. :slight_smile:

How does it seem from the Alli side? Do you sometimes/frequently have to wait for “quest guy” spawns and such? See lots of people gathered around quest givers?

I just transferred here from Mankrik, and there, it was hard to even quest with so many people. Here…I rarely even see anyone else and getting a dungeon group is an all day affair even during prime hours.

Both realms show as “high”, but pretty sure Mankrik is much “higher” (goes to full at prime time) and vastly more Horde-loaded apparently.

Honestly, it feels like the number is just as it should be at most times. Not having to deal with too many folks questing in the world and taking your mobs all the time is a good feeling.

You just for transfers coming in starting todaym

I just came from atiesh horde. 56 mage


Me I mean