Horde players list things that would make you go alliance

they arnt morally good though that was part of my point they claim to be but they are just as bad or worse than the horde

people like to use garosh and sylvanus as a reference to show that the entirehorde is just evil because its leaders have been in the past buit this is not the case at all, just because your leader flies off the deep end doesnt mean the people are to blame
infact no one liked garosh as the leader to the point where they stopped listening to him long before he went off the deep end
and bain and others were very vocally against following sylvanus, and so was vol’jhin

I’d go Alliance if my friends and guildies would. That’d be all it would take. Would love to play a Kul Tiran mage.

Not according to the narrative… it´s hard to take their actions as questionable when the narrative actively or even retroactively bends itself (like in the case of Kul´Tiras) to justiofy the Alliance´s shady stuff.

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thats why i like the narrative though. it tries to make each side good even when they are doing bad things

if you experiance both sides of any major event in wow you’ll quickly see that both sides were in the wrong it wasnt just one or the other
even the burning of teldrasil the alliance started that, not the horde, the horde definately finished it though

To be quite honest, the only reason I’m on the Alliance right now is 'cause my closest friends are playing it for BFA.

If it weren’t for them, I’d have stayed Horde. … Though the story getting frighteningly stupid Hordeside might have tempted me to at least quest on the Alliance.

Literally, having a guild that can guarantee me the same exact thing my current one offers. Right down to the members.

I would L O V E to main Alliance. Omg. You have no idea. But the population imbalance makes that much of a difference, for me. I refuse to do anything harder than basic 5 man LFDs on Alliance. I don’t trust the players at all.

nothing will…and i work for Ordos/N’'Zoth…horde is just a faction pretense since Ordos and Zoth factions cant be chosen(mean killing my own without care)……but if I had to give a reason to forcefully make me swap ? 24/7 corpse camp and that wm off would not be an option…and I meant that in literal sense(though you would get banned for abusive behavior :slight_smile: )……the very few alliance I play is cause of the low blow blizz did to get xmog//collection items(wish they stop that b4 I send an angry lobster on their neck)

i use to play horde tbh.
but what drawn me to be a human?

well i got pushed away due too alot of my friends being dramatic and depressed all the time, and it kinda made me sad that everytime i tried helping, nothing happened…
So 'Ere i am!

Get rid of human potential, redo the voice lines for the female worgen so she doesn’t sound like a 40 year old chain smoker, dump the ‘holy perfection we can never do wrong’, more interseting races besides 300 shades of human, have the other races DO SOMETHING…Then I’d think about it.

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lmfao this coment is pure gold and so much truth in it

Absolutely nothing.

Ew gross :face_vomiting:

It’s harder to smell your own filth.

it definately is a thing you can see it just browsing the forums. the night elf players are the worst offenders of it

See, I personally think that Anduin should be faced with integrating Scarlet refugees into the Alliance. They are accepted and Anduin questions his decision but feels there was no alternative.

They radicalize large portions of the alliance, including non-human groups. This leads to the alliance becoming far more aggressive and they move to take out and cleanse multiple horde settlements. Anduin starts to question this and refer to Genn who disagrees with Anduin’s concerns. Things continue to escalate.

That being said, I don’t even really think you need the Scarlets to justify this reaction. The regular citizens of the alliance should already harbor and a burning hatred for the horde where there exists no form of reconciliation.


If Horde became actually evil and not just shades of grey like alliance. Maybe if Alliance had better races. Sylvanas’ actions were pretty bad. I like the council set up. If the faction races all became cross faction.

Honestly my first character back in 2004 was a Night Elf Male, why I changed, they have the worst casting animation in the world, head ache attack kills my life…

A race older then time, immortal, elegant and cast like Friggen neanderthals…

So I went horde and never looked back.

Edit: I play for aesthetics, I don’t care for faction pride, I just couldn’t stand that casting animation.

Why would anyone, despite faction, base any perception of a server off of “Trade-Chat”? That is like the worst possible system of measurement.