Horde players list things that would make you go alliance

Void Elf Paladins.

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You base a group of people from the joke known as LFR…
Please be trolling lmao

Have you done LfR N’zoth I know people doing higher levels of Ny’alotha that won’t do it because there are mechanics there.

Also that has nothing to do with the topic you brought up . It had to do with the fact that I play both sides and from the servers I play on the alliance one has more self righteous people. So your 100% not a thing is laughable.

I don’t think there is anything that could be done for me to change to Alliance. Most of my friends since Vanilla have played Horde, and if I went Alliance there would be no way to play with them on those characters.

No sorry, too busy pushing heroics.

So yeah, I think it’s safe to say I experience the community a bit better then you do.

Real life =/= WoW
Stop confusing NPC dialog with players

vulpera. They made me go Alliance.

I’m basing off of Alliance Trade Chat not npc dialog and the person who originally made the statement said

So not so sure where you are getting this npc dialog from because alliance npcs are actually a lot more friendlier then a lot of the alliance players.

What server we talking anyway?

For Alliance Stormrage

Ah, never really played there. The few Stormrage people I’ve met in WPVP have been pretty solid, though. Generally very good sports who were clearly having fun.

Like I have said it is based mostly off of trade chat , not saying there aren’t good people on the server and I have ran into some good people from there but there is no way anyone can say that there is 100 % no self righteousness on an alliance or even a horde server as far as players go and that is what I was disputing .


there’s absolutely nothing that could make me play alliance.

I’m not talking about alliance npc. I’m talking about alliance players.

It was the mage kept on bringing up npcs .

I was actually quoting you about it being about players

gnomes i hate em

  1. Jaina’s head on a pike 2. death to the boy king 3. replace him with returned arthas … 4 male kel’thuzarde his advisor and make the alliance into Arthas new kingdom of the scourge.

Oh my bad dude.


Mage was kind of going at it at MHP levels.

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At this point, when I (a long term ally main with chars on both sides) am considering permanently switching to horde, the only advice I can offer is get rid of the obnoxious schtuff. Do not have offensive gnomes calling out to me at FPs to do their poxy quests or following me around on mechanostriders (even thru a portal) to get me to do a diff quest. I did it under sufferance on my main. I don’t want to be pestered to do them again. If you’re a quest writer, ask yourself, would this fly on horde? If the answer is no, don’t put that kakah in for the Alliance either. After 13 yrs the takeaway is that horde is the awesome, martial faction with fab warlike quests and cut scenes; and ally are gather-quest kittens.

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