But i’m telling you how I feel now. Why on earth would I want to solo pug my way instead of playing with my friends?
Of all the things I’ve predicted, this was another of them.
Having played Horde in TBC and Wrath, we won much more in all BGs but dominated the most in AB.
These 24/7 premade dudes are not going to be able to hang in a real PvP BG like AB. I just hope I can find 20 or so other people on my server who are PvPers that will do well in AB and to a lesser extent WSG. I used to run WSG a lot until seeing so much cheating on BOTH sides and seeing idiots who fight with the flag midfield instead of easy capping for the win.
EDIT: I am playing Alliance this go around but NOT if we get TBC.
Pretty sure I’ve read that premade can still function. The AV queue number can be seen through weakaura or something.
Fixed that…
Pretty sure i got it right the first time.
We will rank, because it’s based on overall faction activity. You’re just way too stupid to understand that.
These queue times aren’t indicative of anything, this is one of the slowest times for BG queues. Again, you’d understand this if you weren’t completely idiotic.
The highest honor per hour will be 30 minute AVs with as many HK as possible.
The alliance think being forced to actually pvp to rank is “punishment”
Pretty telling really
Wasn’t that the point?
Pretty sure neither horde nor alliance honor farmer players are ever going to want a dead end match that lasts 45+
After the first 10 minutes, the worth of the match is dead.
So…have fun sorting that math out fellas
I predict premades that start to recognize better premades will just roll over the match, take the quick L and que again fishing for horde pugs.
Horde premades will wanna drag the match out to about 10 minutes or so which is enough time to farm enough HK’s to make the match and time worth while.
It will be two separate goals. As it always was. As it always will be.
You obviously don’t understand the meaning of “fixed.”
I am dead certain if you were on the long queue side of the table you would be throwing a hissy fit as well.
To think that the complaints of long queues aren’t justified. You’re ignorant.
I disagree completely and it will be even more incorrect now that DR is only 10% per kill. You will get way more honor from HK than you can get from all the objectives in the match. I’d much rather have 30-45 minute matches than 10 minute matches.
They aren’t justified. Reroll Alliance if you want quick queues. Welcome to Vanilla, a faction-based game.
Oh man…
I can’t even say it right now.
trust me, it was the horde posting on their level 12 alts “crying” about being premade-less alliance.
How long do you think it takes to kill the same person 10 times?
lol. 45 min?
You need to check your math.
This sub is going places.
Yes, but you’re competing with horde WSG premades who are getting 6000 honor per hour in WSG