With the new faction balance system they plan to use I guess it doesn’t really matter.
Heart says Alliance but mind says Horde.
What faction are you choosing for the fresh PvP realm?
With the new faction balance system they plan to use I guess it doesn’t really matter.
Heart says Alliance but mind says Horde.
What faction are you choosing for the fresh PvP realm?
I’m gonna roll horde this time, I was alliance in 2019 think it’s time change it up.
If you want to be best of the best and serious for both PvE and PvP go horde, their racials are the best all the way to TBC. So you just pick the right race according to the class and spec that you want to play in PvE, for PvP without a shadow of a doubt the horde racials are far and away the best, as alliance you won’t stand a chance because they simply don’t compare in how stronger and overpowered the horde racials are. And this is not a “trust me bro” statement, history have proved it, if you don’t believe me ask all those clowns that got camped hard in every PvP realm when they tried to raid or do questing back in 2019.
If you wanna be a causal or just troll around then pick whatever
Horde of course
Alliance are the vegans of WoW.
There are 2 types of WOW players…Alliance…and players who wish they were Alliance.
Since my cata is now alliance heavy after service sales, I may make this horde.
The goal is blood elf in the tbc that comes. I just work out what the breadwinner first char will be. I lean to forsaken. Never really had one of those before event in retail.
I will select the faction that has the least amount of players, but as long as it’s balanced with a 10% difference, max.
Why do low level alliance always quest with a high level babysitter?
Idk what you’re talking about there fella…nor do i care.
When I am in Stonetalon at level 22 doing my quests and I see a level 23 Alliance with a level 55 standing guard.
What’s that about?
Maybe they love eachother?
…maybe they love you?
All alliance secretly love horde.
They wish they were cool.
pvp wise? Ally dominates AV where you will be grinding for R14.
Orc is BIS racial by miles.
We didn’t get camped, ally was a lot of fun. I like the gank spots on ally early on as well. Hillsbrad as ally is a lot of fun.
Horde is rotbrain in pvp. No dispell, no cc, just hulk smash button and they’re atrociously bad in AV where you will be ranking.
I went Alliance at the 2019 release, and regret that decision. My guild and everything is on Alliance Cataclysm-now and I main and play mostly Horde.
Horde, no real reason other than it’s where I started and I played alliance on era recently and want a change of scenery.
I was horde from launch and feel more at home there, but enjoy the alliance as well.
This may be my server for a while though and want to be at home with my family…
See you in the fields.
If you are just talking the first half. I thought everyone that could, went human for perception in arena.
Alliance for the nelf drood, Horde for the ud priest. That is where my love lies.
Who is they?