I’m having trouble figuring out which faction to play.
I’ve mostly played horde for years now, with some alliance sprinkled in here and there. Bfa was where I played alliance a lot more.
So many things I prefer more on the horde side, but the one thing I like about the alliance more are the races. I absolutely love void elves and I’m super jealous the alliance got them. With the horde races I’m not a huge fan of them. And I’m playing my class through the race I choose.
So while I like the horde more, I’m always bummed about my race. I buy quite a few race changes on the horde because I change my races constantly. I get bored of the horde races.
But with the alliance I love void elves! I like kul tirans a lot. Gnomes can die though.
I was horde only from BC until the start of BFA. I’ve been mostly alliance since with a bit of horde sprinkled in. I have to say it’s been awesome. I love the alliance.
If you’ve been mostly horde I would highly suggest going alliance. Alliance also have VASTLY superior cities.
The only thing that kind of bothers me on the alliance side is the average skill level of alliance players is much lower than the average skill level of horde players.
Now I know both sides have good and bad players. But I find alliance groups generally aren’t as good as horde groups.
Yeah I only pug. So I know in that area it doesn’t matter.
But I mean in like outdoor content, lfr, and stuff like that. Like when ever I group for a world boss on the horde side there are always a bunch of super geared players who top dps charts. On my alliance toons I usually end up near the top of the charts and I’m like Ilvl 435 on my alliance toons lol
I swear alliance players practice more of their rp skills than their class rotations lol
If you want to play a female void elf then that makes sense because female void elves and female blood elves are I guess about even in attractiveness, but the male void elf hair options are totally garbage compared to what male blood elves have. One of the worst things about going from male blood elf to male void elf is not having great hair anymore
Horde are the popular faction, but play what you like. Alliance have everthing better: pvp short queue, better quests, better looks, better story, better love.
Know why that is? Cause Ion and company buffed the Horde so much that the vast majority of Alliance guilds rerolled Horde.
That kind of leaves a skill deficit, ya know?