Horde (or) Alliance?

Why do you play Horde?

Why do you play Alliance?

If you play both, do you have a preference? Why?

In 2010, I was lured away from the Alliance by playable goblins and I just never went back.

I only play alliance

alliance is the new horde.

horde is now the norm - for normies.

Cow people, horde

Horde lets me make proper, rotting, flesh-eating zombies. Alliance is just a step down the food chain after that.

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Alliance 'cause they have better Garrisons.

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I have a horde tattoo - good thing 98% of ppl think it’s a dream catcher - since I got a personalized version.

I can’t go back to the monsters and ugly cities.

I think NE female - well, some faces, are so damn cute. Never say never, but I don’t see me ever going back to Horde.

I love Stormwind. It’s epic and so beautiful. I also love Elwynn forest. Iconic. So glad to visit - and not on a certain server anymore where toxic ppl chill daily.


I play both, though I mostly play Horde. Unfortunately my favourite race is Horde, so I am kinda stuck here. I started as a Blood Elf in Legion, and moved to Nightborne when I was able. Unfortunately the two Elves and the Vulpera are basically the only Horde races I like, leaving me on a faction I do not really enjoy the theme or most of the aesthetics for just so I can play the race I like. C’est la vie.

I do prefer the Alliance though. Aesthetically and morally they are more in line with what I normally prefer in games. If I could switch over and keep my race, I would in a heartbeat. I would love never having to go back to Orgrimmar ever again. :frowning:

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You said it. I love my Blood Elf, whom I’ve played off and on since TBC. But I have no loyalty to the Horde. Void Elves sadly don’t do it for me, so on the Horde I remain.

Maybe one day. :lion:

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Bi factional is the way to go bay bay!

played both shut my horde account down and stuck with alliance forever cause they are cuter.

Played both and still playing both.

I prefer alliance because alliance guilds are generally More forgiving and are nicer to their players

Mostly Horde cause of Orcs and the color red.

Because I want to.

I only play Horde…got really sick of hearing alliance crying about everything.

Actually started Horde as a Darkspear Troll hunter. Wanted to be an axe thrower. Was for a bit. Just loved the honorable barbarian concepts.

Nowadays I like how various disparate races can come together and forge ahead against a world that widely sees them as monsters or evil.

My main army in Wc3 was night elves, and in WCII I preferred humans/Alliance.

My main was a druid who I modeled on the concepts of the druids of the claw.
Also had a Paladin human from Lordaeron.

I like the Noble and Valorous races coming together to hold out against threats to their world.

Especially when races like void elves do it.

I’d also be quite partial to furbolg and Sethrak joining up.

Yes I do. I prefer Alliance. Mostly just cause I’ve played them more overall. Just how it happened.

I spend time on each side to get the whole story.

I play both sides because I pay for the whole game and it would be like reading half a book to only play one.

Each expansion I alternate which one gets to go first. This time it’s Horde.

I was Horde and then my friend transferred to Alliance. That’s pretty much it. Went from a short blonde elf to a tall purple one.