Horde on this server

The horde here are terrible, did you guys all come from a PvE RP server in Vanilla?


All the horde I’ve ran into help me gank alliance. What level range?

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Not from an RP PvE but rather a RP-PVP. Why are you hating on horde?

they are hating because they got wrecked in Redridge the other night and are still Salty… its k.

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I’ll join @Brucelovely

yeah inv me too if you guys are at read ridg

The camping will continue untill moral improves


This is funny considering me and a 29 priest took you down in shimmering flats last night. Big man that likes to gank people 6 levels lower than him acts like we’re trash, lol


You’re 10 ply bud.


The alliance feel more like a 2 ply generic brand at best


lol said by a human race.

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This thread cracks me up…

Whenever ive been ganked its either 3v1 or someone 4+ levels higher than me while im below 30% hp. No Alliance will EVER shoot the fair one.


Just intervened with a 38 Horde holy preist getting camped in Swamp of Sorrows by a 40 something Nelf Hunter last night.

I guess its no fun when they can fight back, huh?

Yep. That’s how alliance rolls. And that show they’ve always rolled.

You just feel pretty tough when you and your pals roll over half dead Horde that are ten levels below you.

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I’m surprised any of you Allies can even level since you’re all questing with at least 2 other guys in areas that are green to you.

Must take forever.


Said by a level 39 Mage.

I remember hardcore busting your a$$ in Arathi when we were both 30ish. You decided to jump me, even though I was running to do quests. Destroyed you, then you soul stoned and I destroyed you again.
I only remember this because I was laughing with several of my friends in Discord about it.
Great times! See you’ve kept up the pace with me hahah

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I remember that too, it was when I decided to stop being cheap and upgrade a few spells. You did accidentally leave out the Hunter that waited for me to engage you before shooting me.

But hey my fault for losing the 2v1 both times. I should get better.

Funny Horde suck because my level 25 hunter took down a level 31 caster yesterday in Hillsbrad.