Horde now complaining about Premades

Ha ha ha ha

Welcome to the past 2 years for Alliance

Every game a pre made.

Have fun being farmed.


What’s next? complain that there is no alliance in wpvp?

Oh the community… subscription over in 10 days here i come FFXIV


Yup I made a character. Im enjoying it.

Blizzard has till Thursday to come up with some solutions or its deuces for me as well.

Near full bis. I got a couple other accounts I want to level up on, but ill be canceling the other two. I’ll just raid log on one account until my group gets whatever it wants and im good. Unless ff14 latches on quicker… then its permanent deuce. I won’t even invest in diablo 2. Like im done done with this form of blizzard candy crush buy more tokens.

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Yea. I imagine people will complain. That doesn’t necessarily make it valid.

There was also a TON of complaining in Classic Era about premades too. It’s not new. It’s just that the impact is less in TBC so I feel less inclined to care about the topic. It’s not like Alliance players don’t premade.

I don’t think they’ll miss a scrub like you

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I dont think so either, but at least I’ll get away from toxic players like you and play with people that have more self dignity.


You’re going to poop your pants?

Multiple times?


Here i am being patronized by someone on a holding hands server.


The tank horde guy

My 3 accounts pay for 1 worker in Dominican Republic on the customer service team, for a week.

I know this cause well. I worked in the DR training people that worked service desk :joy: for another company, so I know what they have. They moved that group in around the same time DR started getting solar panels to fight their energy crisis.

Just imagine how patronizing I would be on my PvP main.

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Alliance: hOw DaRe yOu


Ew, enjoy 2.5 GCD

I hope you realize that this is the next item on their list to bury the alliance’s face in the dirt. Once they secure their bg queues, they will start protesting to force premades to only face other premades, which would completely delete the only bearable way to farm honor for alliance.

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I’ve seen alliance complain about premades as well. Making fun of horde in this situation takes 10 steps backwards. It’s an issue for both sides.

Aliance could not premade in classic av after horde cried.

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Wow, cool story. My 3 accounts cancel out your 3. Again, no net loss.

How long have you been playing this game? Blizz are the master manipulators. They gave the Horde a taste and now they turned the faucet off so that they can make money off alliance boosts. Once they make enough money off boosts, they’ll switch it back to the horde and give them instaqueues again.

I mean how many years have we been playing wow with us still not recognizing how they sift us constantly?


unironically true

I truly don’t understand this. yes premade is harder bg’s.
but horde only wanted horde vs horde bg’s because they had slow que times because they rolled horde to play pvp with there friends. so if you stop premade your stopping the #1 reason horde all rolled the faction.

This is what happens when you cater to masses of self-entitled, idiotic, self-proclaimed perpetual victims: they’ll just find something else to demand.

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