[Horde] <Nova> recruiting for raids (MC/Ony)

Most of the core group of Nova has been through most of vanilla’s endgame and we’re looking to add a few folks to our roster.

If interested in raiding Tues/Thurs evenings for MC/Ony in the near future, please reach out to an officer and we will run you through a trial process (run some dungeons, etc) to make sure you are a fit.

DM Makros, Mak, Crass, Felthalas, or Biskit in game.

Warriors - Full (may consider 1 that is flexible with specc’ing as guild requires)
Rogue - 2 spots open
Shaman - 2 spots open (preferably 1 resto)
Mage - the more the merrier
Warlock - 2 spots open
Hunter - 2 spots open
Priest - 2 spots open
Druid - 3 spots open

If you are the GM of a smaller guild interested in joining/merging for raiding. Please talk to Mak specifically.

Otherwise, please reach out to Mak, Crass, Killahpriest, Makros, Felthalas, or Biskit with your class and availability.

Raid days are Tues/Thurs ~6pm server time.

Hey all, I am Mak the GM. Feel free to reach out to myself or any of the other officers listed above in-game if you have questions. We are a core group of veteran Vanilla players the ran server first kills.

Lok’tar ogar


We will consider characters that are level 50+ to assist with gearing as they near 60.

We do ask that you work with one another to quickly gear/level as required to get attuned.

Currently full on rogues/priests.

Highest in demand classes are:
Resto shaman
Resto Druid

Still looking for some Warlocks, Resto Druids, and Resto Shaman. Come find me in game.