Horde Needs Facelift

Ah, that’s where I was confused. I thought you thought Naralex should be trying to regrow the jungle that was once where the Barrens are, not where Durotar is.

I do wish that there was a whole story about the various druids disagreeing:

  • Naralex the night elf who is trying to restore the ecosystem… to what it was 10,000 years ago before the Sundering,
  • A tauren druid who is trying to restore the land to the savannah it had naturally evolved into in the meantime,
  • A third druid who wants to keep it a savannah but tweak it just a bit to grow more resources to support the increased population living in the region.

There’s a lot of fun one can have by theming druids around different environments, different ecological time scales, different views of a society’s role (or lack of one) in nature, etc, thus giving them different views and goals for them to debate.


There is going to need to be a reckoning among the druids anyways, as they were basically agents of the Titans enforcing their vision of how nature should behave. The Emerald dream they so revered was little more than a garden walled off to keep the actual wilderness at bay.

Some druids should support restoring old environments destroyed by the hands of sapient beings to something closer to what the Dream depicts, others should see people as just another type of animal and the damage they cause to be part of the greater natural order, and such deviation to be allowed to progress.

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This is actually a pretty nice idea. But only if they end up fighting it out.

Azeroth would be a much better place if all disputes were handled in the ring

A boring place.

you just gotta get the right announcers

Warcraft: Beyond Thunderdome

I’m in.


Orgrimmar needs its port inside the city walls, so make Orgrimmar bigger, Blizzard. Get that port inside the walls.


Horde at large needs a full revamp to even out all the errors that came with vanilla release back then. Starting with the questing zones. The Tauren need, just like the humans, at least two extra zones for themselves. I vote for Thousand Needles and Desolace. Orgrimmar surley is ugly but that project would be huge and span over more then just one expansion.

In the age of insanely fast flying, I’d rather they just re-do Bilgewater harbor to be a more functional harbor and do a two-fer and update the gobbos a bit since Gazlowe is changing how they do business.

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Why not do both?

T-Two H-Harbors?

Yes! Bilgewater as the commercial hub with Goblin railway running cargo to Orgrimmar. Orgrimmar harbour as the diplomatic/military port. Add walls for an Ostia/Rome kind of thing.

Come on, they wont’ do that. They won’t bother to revamp that city unless it becomes important to whatever current thing we are doing.

We’d have better luck asking them to turn Silvermoon and the Exodar into proper cities.

Welll….since we’re revisiting Silvermoon in Midnights…From a technical standpoint, they can’t fix what we have, so why bother (I forget all the details something about how they were originally coded). Create a new Silvermoon and for that matter a new Exodar.

Well, there’s a 50/50 shot it gets a revamp that sticks in Midnight.

I’m a bit of a pessimist…


We open with a shot of the rebuilt city with the now unified Nightborn and Blood Elves celebrating the complete restoration of the Blood Elven capital.

Cut to the Sun Well, Blood Knights stand in regal defense of the glowing pool of power.

In darkness, voices plot and vague forms move. The command is given reality is torn asunder as swarms of void rifts tear open throughout the city and on the island.

Civilians scream and flee as guardians of many races rush to defeat the attacking void creatures.

A trio of pilgrims cower behind cover a Blood Knight fights to protect them even as each reach to a piece of jewelry and tear them from their bodies unleashing void magic as they sprint towards the Sun Well as the void warps their forms.

A guardian reaches out luminescent blue eyes glowing with frosty power as they pull two of the three back in rapid order before driving their twin blades into them ice envelopes the third who crawls dragging themselves towards the Sun Well.

The Ebon Blade starts towards the cultist only for a blade of radiant light to slam through them and for the ice to be shattered as a Paladin walks past the stunned Death Knight and kicks the writhing warping form of the cultist into the Sun Well. “Let the war resume.” he says as he pulls out a glowing crystal and flashes away, as the Light and Void clash in the well.

In Silvermoon the explosion of the Sun Well drains the Blood Elves and stuns many. Many of the void portals also fail even as others continue on enabling bodies to flood onto the battlefield. In a flash of arcane power, the Heroes of Azeroth arrive. “We’re too late.” Jaina says even as Thrall steps past her and takes command instilling order and rescuing those they can as they restore order…