Horde Needs Facelift

Grom never got caught though. The Warsong were basically the initial backbone of Thrall’s forces before they started cracking camps.

The Warsong were the outliers in WC3 when it came to starting crap with the humans, hence why Theramore was left alone until they invaded the barrens twice.

KT pulled out of the alliance over the camps, so yeah, it tracks.


I submit that Orgimmar will never be a cool Horde city until we get Ogres as a playable race with an Ogre warchief. The ones we saw in WoD struck just the right chord of brutal sophistication, a semi-Hellenistic inspired culture with colosseums, statues, etc. Granted they’d have to do some things to make it more palatable to the shockingly soft side of the Horde playerbase, so a bit of synthesis is in order; i.e. maybe cut back on the slaves a little bit.

But as it is right now, Orgimmar appears as the OP described it; a crappy water park taken over by savages who used all the wood and metal from the chairs to poorly reinforce their buildings. It doesn’t even look like anyone actually lives there.


Kul Tiras wanted to kill all Orcs mind you.

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Honestly, thinking about it, the Barrens needs a facelift and a restoration arc like Gilneas/UC got.

The Barrens is currently torn to hell and full of Kor’kron in-game.

If we’re killing the faction conflict as a major driver, getting rid of Honor’s stand (Base the Alliance built when they invaded the horde before Garrosh did anything) and Bael Modan (Fort built on a site of a mass slaughter of civilians) probably should go.

Bring in Naralex for the awkward alliance-side tie in and have the Alliance keep Northwatch.

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Uhm, literally the second mission of all of WC3 involves Thrall freeing Grommash from an Alliance internment camp near Durnholde, which Chronicles rectifies as an internment base in Southshore,

I should have specified that he was never an internee, he got caught temporarily as part of the orcish exodus efforts, but he wasn’t interned in a camp.

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Still the same concept. The Lordaeronians caged up the orcs’ greatest war hero and no one ever confronts them for it.

BTW, Kul Tiras did not pull out of the Alliance until Proudmoore died. The kingdoms that pulled out over the camps were Gilneas, Stromgarde, and Quel’Thalas. Kul Tiras remained loyal until Proudmoore died.

Yet there are no internment camps in Kul Tiras, while the Forsaken locked up the orcs before Arthas killed them all. :slight_smile:

What part of “Allies of convenience” is hard to grasp?

It wasn’t the orcs pushing for the alliance with them anyway, it was the Tauren who had sympathy for the horrors of the forsaken condition hoping they could eventually find a cure who pushed for it.

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Azshara was supposed to be a cursed forest of perpetual autumn, but they never really went into that sadly. That was supposedly the same reason the Elves largely shunned it.


That was Gilneas and the high elves before both groups pulled out of the alliance


If it was just an “alliance of convenience”, why are you people salty that Sylvanas called the Horde “nothing”?

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Maybe the Orcs looked at the Forsaken and their struggle for existence, their plight as walking corpses that rot with every moment devoid of the pleasures they ever had in life, their dogged will to survive and thought to themselves, “Well, maybe they’ve suffered for their crimes. Maybe the Cow Folks have a point.”


They can never suffer enough for all the crimes they have committed.

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Look, I know you love to do this thing, but at least Zerde pretends to have some sort of… well, something to back it up, regardless of its veracity. This is just sad trolling.


I miss the Kor’kron and would like to make a comeback.
They were the counterpart to the 7th Legion and also an elite force that the Horde lacks.

I want Orgrimmar to be bigger, I always felt like it was a bit small.

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Last I checked, the 7th Legion never coerced their own people into submission.

Only on the story forums will perfectly articulate statements get misinterpreted. That’s not the point, but I know you’re unaware of it. Though either way, the Kor’kron already do exist regardless thanks to their revival in Legion.

There is some of this in the sylvanas novel, Where the elves refuse to look any of the undead even their undead kin in the eyes and claim they aren’t the real ones.

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Ignore Varadoc please. He is a baiter and troll who tries to get strong reactions out of Horde fans to mock them and their takes. Leave him be and don’t give him any attention.

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