Horde Needs Facelift

To be fair, those places were still hell except for maybe shadowmoon valley

Honestly I think a big mistake they made was making Aszhara so uninhabited and so close to Durotar, because it does lead to the question of “Why not just live in Aszhara instead?” And the real answer to this question is, because Aszhara didn’t exist in Warcraft 3, so there wasn’t some immediately close far superior place for orcs to live, they were kinda “stuck” with Durotar and the Barrens.

They either should have never had Aszhara exist, basically replacing it with another desert or some kind of biome worse than Durotar, like a volcanic area similar to searing gorge or the burning steppes. OR! Make it significantly more inhabited by dangerous creatures to the extent that Thrall couldn’t meaningfully take it.


Faction capitals do need a makeover in general.


You mean the Shadowmoon Valley that the ORCS turned into a destroyed wasteland?

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“Offensive” is just a construct, it’s not real.

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The guy is just baiting, not a good bait either.

Or he is doing some good old Forum RP.

Also orcs aren’t real.


Orcs aren’t real. It is just a story. Why do you get high from a story when its obvious nobody will be hurt if the Orcs would actually get good land instead of doing community service fort eh next 100 years?

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Why do you get high from a story when it’s obvious nobody will be hurt if the Orcs get bad land as penance for their years of atrocities?

I think orcs are doing fine, they certainly have the tech, the druids, the shamans and the mages on the horde to change the landscape if they wanted to, they probably are used to it and i dont have any recollection of orgrimmar citizens being in poverty

How about we move capitals every expansion instead. I’m so tired of Borewind and Snorgrammar. You can’t doll up those pigs after 17-ish years of forcing people there.


Some moreso than others. Tanaan and Goregrond, absolutely. Shadowmoon Valley seemed relatively peaceful, but maybe that was due to the Draenei. Talaador was similarly tame compared to some zones. Nagrand never seemed quite so bad as the first two. At worst, the Ogres were around, but that was true of most zones.

It is not for raging alliance fans to decide what happens to the Orcs in the long run. Sit down.


They are still reliant on grain and water shipments from Mulgore according to the exploring azeroth books.

Ideally there’d be a reason to give a faction capital a facelift each expansion and shift the important ones around but UC is still a superfund site and Amirdrassil is a lore capital, not really one in gameplay terms, so I doubt it will ever be done.


Because the Orcs have been doing an excellent job of deciding for themselves what their future will be.


That said, Metzen will sort it out. It’s his IP, so I’m sure he has an idea or two.

It is not for raging Horde fans either. It is for Blizzard writers.

Sit down.

How are the Orcs to blame that Thrall is awful at management over resources? All he did was condemming them all to years long penance and the judgment over an entire race when most Orcs of the second war were already dead.

of course they are. They are paying customers and they deserve that the stuff they do like gets a good conclusion.

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Every time you say this I will remind you that it was a retcon (twice over). I don’t know why you’re so eager to accept the bad later ideas slapped onto an existing situation.

I mean, we do move player hubs every expansion, which is more or less the same thing.

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It is still canon no matter if you like it. Thrall knew they had better options but still picked the wrong one in the end. So yes I will continue to blame him for it until he fixes that mistake.

What even is canon when the writers just ignore what was previously established? I certainly don’t accept Christie Golden’s retconned version of Forsaken society over what the game showed me with my own eyes.

Why does some random novel get to make you hate Thrall just by contradicting everything that came before it?