Horde Need a Every Man For Himself Equivalent

They needed it in original, and they need it even more now.
You catered to giving abilities to paladins when TBC started.

Now with RBGs this has become essential for players to be able to play on horde.

The game shouldnt be able about switching sides for 1 single ability… I like playing a horde character versus a alliance character.

This single ability completely destroys PVP for Horde.

Either delete it, or add it to horde.

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you want every MAN for himself on … not men?


Yeah no, horde has pretty much all the best PVE racials alliance isn’t even close. The only compromise I would make is combining the bonuses of say undead/human and then both sides get both racials. Or just remove racials altogether its toxic for the game I can’t min max and also look good.


Sure then give my mage the troll racial as well.


Its now called “will to survive” excuse me

and hey

Horde have the will to survive.

MOP had the emfh racial as well. The difference there was pvp gear scaled for bgs and arena making it better than the raid gear which infested cata gameplay.

Blizz won’t fix racials or add gear scaling though. Bigger & buggier issues to fix.

Ill take a flat DPS increase like trolls or orcs on alliance side anytime, but that’s not why you’re here is it?


Ooh, ooh, can I trade Stoneform for Berserking please?


I paid the price in a few ways for racials. I picked horde to start because I liked shamans. Then I swapped Belf as a prot main because I needed to have an interrupt for PVE clustering. Arcane torrent was the way to go.

Then I hit end game and started on achievements which led me to working on battlemaster. The racial was a no-brainer it just sucks because like you say its a one or the other situation. Gave up all the friends and knowledge along the way to swap factions just to get this racial and speed the grind to my veteran achievements(also the mass amount of horde bots ruining it and because people who pvp actively choose ally for that reason). Having another trinket in pvp is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.

There’s also a heavy bias toward ally in some battlegrounds flag positioning so if you’re looking to level the playing field don’t expect it to start any time soon. You’re never getting the change, but it’s always comforting to vent after ally stomp you time and time again. Good luck, see you in your gravevyard :wink:

lol /10char

You can’t argue Horde needs EMFH if you aren’t also arguing that Alliance needs to get big PVE racial buffs.

Hey just play Alliance there’s your solution :smiley: