Horde mostly sitting out again?

So far with war within it looks like horde characters are not getting much screen time again. Thrall’s role so far is very minor and nothing compared to Andiun, Alleria or Magnie.

This has been an issue since legion, where horde players follow around alliance characters and quest under them. It seems story of the horde since WOD, no screen time. If we do it is only to set us up as the antagonist.

Can we have some parity here? I really miss pre-legion days where factions had different bases, characters, quest. Even in dragonlight we had entire patch dedicated for NE, where the horde equivalent was as short Baine quest. I am not saying remove the alliance but at least think of the other faction out side of faction conflict and villain batting


Problem is the Horde has little to no association with what is going on in the initial leveling campaign. It is mostly dwarves resolving earthen issues all the way down.

There is some descent speculation one of the TWW patches will be the undermine, and you’ll get horde representation out the ears then.


Seems so. The next one might skew redder set on a subcontinent dominated by blood elves, trolls, and undead, but that’s no sure bet with its Void takeover plot and our Alliance Windrunner protagonist.


If a few worgen NPCs show up in Midnight, I’ll be happy. Gilneas is relatively close to Quel’thalas after all.


The writer can write them in very easily, it is a fantasy game after all. Thrall could go back to his roots as the earth shaman and communicate with azeroth or the earthen. Even in dragon flight you would think there might be shamans there to fight the incarnates, as they would have an upper hand.


I believe Gazlowe is going to eventually have some sort of presence in the expansion so there is that.


Even in Dragonflight we had an entire patch dedicated to forcing Horde forgiveness with two-bit avenger’s endgame.*


It’s a catch-22. They have ignored Horde lore, outside of the faction conflict, so they don’t have much association with the main plot. But since they don’t have a clear association with the main plot, they get ignored.

Blizzard needs to take a bit of time (like they did with Alliance characters) and develop Horde lore.


The Alliance players who act like they own this forum, have been running their mouths telling Horde folks not to care about “faction brainrot,” when their faction’s characters are all over lmao.


Every time they give horde more screen time than the alliance, either a leader dies or lots of npcs die. They can sit it out for a while.

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All neutral content is alliance content. Blizzard killed every Horde character that could have featured in the non faction war plot so we are standing here now.


Be real. He isn’t even important enough for his own model. Now look at Alleria and Anduin on the other side.

Oh great another Horde race villain battet and Undermine turned into a raid. I pass thanks.


Absolutely none of yall could handle handle playing a Pandaren outside of MoP.


They couldn’t handle playing a worgen either. Don’t realize how good they got it


Gnome players be like: wait, you guys have attention?


Probably it will be to do with Gallywix and whatever dealings he has with Xal’atath… As he is the sort of unsavory dude to make deals with someone like her for pure self interest and right now he is a wanted man for both the Alliance and the Horde.

Self interest defines the Goblins. Gazlowe is a communist.

Wow not being a wretched abuser of your workforce is communism? My dictionary needs some work then.


I’m pretty sure the former writing team had a vendetta against the Horde and I also think we are gonna have to put up with their two-bit biased writing for at least part of the new expansion, if not all of it. Too late to change it I think.