Horde Mage Port Spots

I’m just trying to make sense of it all.

Fair enough, I just don’t get it at all. I’ve never heard of people carrying mage reagents around instead of just tipping, not from my own experiences or from my old WoW friends (spread out on a few different servers too, mind you).

lol… ikr. I’m sure Raven believes everyone carried portal runes, but it clashes with my memory of vanilla. Besides, if mages carry them (because everyone else does) why not just pay the 20s?

The only reason I can think of as to why it makes sense to carry the runes is if you want to avoid mages lying to you about not having runes so they don’t have to interact with you.

Yeah, probably… and if I was a mage and you called my bluff I’d just say, “sorry, not gonna bother porting right now” or something. Followed by an /ignore if harassment ensued.

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