Hello! I am a fairly new player and I would like to join a new casual-ish guild. Shadowlands will be my first time raiding and I am looking for a fun, non-toxic environment to raid in. I am an Unholy Death Knight and this is what I plan to raid as. Please contact me on discord if you want further information on me and such. Syloz#7134
I tried to contact you through Discord, but maybe we need to be Discord friends before I can send a message. Anyways, hopefully we have the perfect environment for you in Ministry of Defense. I’m going to post our trade chat recruitment spam below:
Ministry of Defense is a progression raiding and PvP guild. Currently looking for raiders, pvpers, and casuals alike! We offer an adult friendly, non-toxic guild atmosphere. Currently: 11/12 M Ny’alotha.
Also, see this thread: [Horde] Ministry of Defense is recruiting! - #56 by Urostek-aerie-peak
Alright, thank you! I was at work when you sent me it. I saw it but now I cannot see it. If you don’t mind, could you send me another one?