Horde leaders power level

Biggest curiosity after the Nathan’s Cinematic (and let me be clear I’m happy Tyrande got to do something more with her power) is when will we see a Horde leader do something to the level of this? I mean basically every Alliance leader has had their Jesus incarnate moment now. The only time we see this for the Horde is when Thrall goes neutral or a Warchief goes evil.

Can we see something more than Lor’themar flipping a bench, or Baine continuously getting on his knees?

This also isn’t an attack on the Alliance at all, I’m just honestly curious, because the way Blizzard portrays it I think a majority of Alliance leaders could solo the Horde as a whole. Meanwhile Horde leaders struggle tying their shoes these days.


well sylvanas got to beat up bolvar like a geriatric old man.

oh wait…

On a more serious note yea they shouldve spent an expansion developing the horde instead of the garbage they did, hopefully bane and thrall going to the shadowlands will give them some powers or something…


We really need it, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

With little sarcasm, the most impressive feats of the modern Horde are tied to Allied Race leaders in defensive feats. Talanji made a barrier that stood up to Jaina during the Stormwind Extraction and Thally was blocking tidal waves from Azshara for a bit.

Thrall needs his full power back, World Shaman and all. We know he’s getting SOMETHING back, but not how much.

The rest of the crew desperately need something more than being just slightly better at their job than the other rogue/warrior/shadow hunter/whatever.


I think a big problem is that it’s hard for Warriors to believably perform at higher levels. Warriors, Hunters and Rogues - “mundane” classes. Jaina levitates her flagship and shoots arcane cannonfire - what exactly is Baine or Lor’Themar supposed to do that counters that? Swing their weapons really, really hard?

Thalyssra is the only character who is theoretically well-positioned to counter, but they’ve shied away from portraying her as being anything more than modestly powerful.

I had some dreams of Talanjii becoming a more death-focused character through the pact with Bwomsamdi - having her be some kind of crazy necropriest would be cool - but they’ve backed away from that. Seems like she’s going to continue to have vaguely-defined light-ish powers. Dunno.


I’m not asking them to do some dragon ball z anime level stuff that Jaina does, all I’m asking for is do something awesome and powerful.

And if a non-magical character did manage to counter some impressive feat by Jaina, it wouldn’t come across as credible.


I vote we let Magatha back into the Horde. During the Shaman class hall, she starts tearing open portals in space, saying “What? You can’t do that yet?” and basically telling the insanely strong player Shaman that they essentially know almost nothing about what Shamanism can do. Her raw strength is implied to be staggering.


Alliance side, I believe they have Shandris ( who isn’t even a mage ) do the same :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, she finds some magic knick-knack that lets her do it for a bit. I think it breaks after the questline. Thally just does it on her own merit.


Well, they set a tree (in the ocean no less) the size of a mountain on fire with catapults…



They need to do something with Magathas story, she did a lot to impact the politics of the horde in the Cata era.

I would have loved to see something happen with her and then we could add Grimtotem customization to the barbershop.

The horde military as a whole set a tree on fire. Ok?


Eh, just a few shaman and a few otherwise typical catapults. The power of plot.


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What if Baine gets the Hammer of Khaz’goroth?


Well that moment sure was something horde players could be proud of and look back on happily…

Baine should embody the spirit of protection warrior.

But like, don’t give him a shield. Have him literally facetank everything while everyone marvels at how he just won’t die no matter how much people kick his face in.


I mean, no. My post was obviously sarcasm.


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Horde Power level is laughable. We’re deliberately kept weak and the villains. The only exceptions to this are two newcomers in Thalyssra and Talanji, everyone else though are kind of jokes. We’re oversaturated with Warriors, Rogues, and Hunters who don’t have magical gear to offset that deficit. Horde exclusively classes like Shadow Hunters, or hybrids like Vol’jin and Voss are defaulted into base melee fighter. Stripped of the magic they do have.

The Loa the Zandalari bring in might offset this a little bit, but honestly … there is nothing the Horde isn’t completely overshadowed by the Alliance in.

EDIT: Blizz really needs to toughen up and do something with Baine and Thrall in the Shadowlands. Outside of Jin, they are the only two Horde we might take back with us into the living world when SLs is done. Its time to have them get some hard lessons and become the Chieftens they needed to be ages ago. With the power to reflect that.


No. She’s strong but she’s responsible for Cairnes death and nobody should get away with that.

I wish our class hall killed her instead of making a weird shady ally out of her. She helped Garrosh and started a series of events that lead to a sword impaling the planet.

The last thing the horde needs is to harbor more war criminals


What really needs to happen is that it is just canonized that Warriors have an innate ability to use certain magics (like Thunderclap). They can’t explain it like a Mage, but they can feel it instinctively in battle. It lets them compete.

The point of the Shaman class hall quests is to show she’s so much more powerful of a Shaman than the player character that she exists on a plane we didn’t even know existed. The point is that we literally aren’t strong enough to kill her. That’s not an option. That’s like saying the Horde should just kill Jaina—as if it were so easy.

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You’re blowing her powers way out of proportion.

She opened portals. Something that player shamans cant do. It was just the devs making a “ha ha” moment.

Where are you getting the different plane of existence from?