Horde is the 'Easy Mode' Faction

Factually true, if we’re talking PvP servers. Horde can more or less dungeon and remain in friendly territory until 40s. The only brushes they’re going to have with Alliance are going to be Ashenvale if they decide to go that route. They have RFC, SFK, WC, SM, and RFK all in friendly territory. BFD is a stone’s throw from their FP in Ashenvale, and they get a teleporter to Gnomeregan.

Barring dungeons, they have zeppelin travel between all of their main cities and The Barrens is quite a decent span of levels. Compare this to Alliance, who have to bounce between Westfall/Red Ridge/Darkshore to level past 10. Darnassus might as well not exist Alliance-side because without portals everyone hates going there.

I’m not going into racials because between war stomp, hardiness, and wotf, they have a clear advantage there.

Sooooo yeah, good job rolling the babby faction. Little wonder they outnumber us on most PvP servers and all the progression guilds on retail are horde. :wink:


Bg’s obviously. Or raiding.

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No shlt


Props to Advertise tho for overcoming the numbers* on Faerlina. His content is gold!

Do streamer followers really count as ‘one’ in terms of PvP numbers?

That is 10 minutes of my life I will never get back. Glad I took the time to read this.

It’s okay Brainz, I’m sure you will forget what happened in 10 minutes considering your brain is half rotted :wink:

Not everyone can regenerate like sylvannas

I played both factions and I can say the leveling experience is pretty much the same. Sure the horde have some good pvp racials, but the alliance have paladins , the best pvp healer in game. Gnomes and dwarves have some decent racials too . Not anyone’s fault you rolled a human instead of a gnome but your own.

Druids actually have an aoe taunt along with demoralizing roar.

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not in heartseeker realm

LOL Silent you made me chuckle :sunny:

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25 v 3 ? If u git gud u cud hav git 25 ally den it wud b even.

Tldr; git gud

Horde and Alliance are the same people.

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https(:)//i(.)imgur(.) com/RvoL8yV.png

@Horde :^)

As Horde on an Alliance-heavy PvP server, I always enjoy these types of threads.


Even if its Alliance heavy, you do realize Horde have more flight paths and better quest hubs in most zones right? Like, STV is rediculously Horde favoured that Alliance dont have anything that replicates it. You have a Zepplin that brings you to the middle of STV in a walled off base with guards while Alliance have a camp with tents and need to walk from Duskwood to get to STV LOL

Arathi Basin has another walled off base for Horde while Alliance have a hole in the dirt where casters can shoot into to kill lowbies and not aggro guards.

Cmon now LOL


None of that matters all that much when you’re level 55 and the Honor grind just released and there are huge raids in every leveling zone, FP, and instance entrance hunting players specifically at your level, but okay.

Not really complaining, it’ll die down in time. And I’m a pretty patient person.

All I’m saying is that this type of behavior has nothing to do w/ “Horde” or “Alliance”.

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Do you mean Challenging Roar?

Says that posting on his ally retail toon with little to no achievement points.

I thought this until I realized Horde have FP’s everywhere.

realistically for PvE and PvP Alliance are due to Paladin


the horde are… a horde

Alliance has far more advantages than horde. Better leveling experience, more fleshed out quests, more content exclusive to alliance than to horde, better pve faction, pvp they’re about equal.