Horde is the 'Easy Mode' Faction

40~ and a bit, if you count SM.

And really, ZF and Maraudon are on Kalimdor… so it doesn’t really feel like it’s outside of Horde territory, so much.


Press CTRL+F to cancel fear effects!

That should come up in center-screen text tutorial style the first time an undead gets feared by anything but death coil.

Don’t get me started on orcs and stun resist :open_mouth:

TBH as a rogue I’m hating perception on enemy human rogues the most right now. That paired with the spy add-on screws me royally.

I did forget about SM. Yep Horde definitely easy mode… Sorry Alliance. You’re only for the dedicated

There could be an argument for Alliance having an easier time finding tanks for dungeons, since there are so many paladins, but I’d be skeptical if someone claimed that as a noticeable advantage.

There’s also the apparent racial advantages of Horde, though I’m also not sure just how much of an advantage anyone is claiming that would be, or is.

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You keep telling yourself that when you are behind a 10 man gank squad targeting a solo Alliance player.


a solo Alliance player = little red riding hood
a 10 man gank squad = big bad wolf

It’s telling that threads like these are so often created by non classic characters.

Also, my pvp server has more Alliance than Horde. :man_shrugging:

Tbh, idc what people consider it. Undead master race!!! Orcs and Tauren are awesome as well

pally’s aren’t that good as tanks, same with druids, in classic, in retail it’s different…

Don’t forget the flight paths. While leveling, I feel like alliance tend to have small camps at the far comers of a map (possibly without a flight path) while the horde have a camp in the middle of the map with a flight path next to a dungeon.

My favorite example is Feralas. Alliance camp is on an island where we have to take a boat to enter the zone while the horde camp is near the center and next to dire maul.

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Played horde for years. I now have a high/max lvl on both sides in classic. Alliance got it rough when it comes to travel. I’ll give them that.


They are phenomenal tanks in Classic, so are druids.

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Are we now pretending Alliance don’t do this same thing?

I see people asking for druid tanks for BRD. There are even great bear tanking guides.

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I have a druid, pally and warrior, warrior is the best hands down…pally runs out of mana and druid has a hard time getting rage…no all my tanks are 35 and below so maybe they shine at higher levels…now, I also heal on a priest and druid (after changing from feral tank) and pally’s have a lot of issues with holding aggro (no taunt) but the problem with druids is they have an AOE taunt but it costs rage which is hard to build up…my druid dodged a lot which doesn’t help with rage…matter of opinion I guess…both are fairly easy to heal if they are keeping aggro…

Druids are probably the optimal tank for dungeons from what I’ve seen, but pallies are debatable because some dungeons come with enemies that drop threat which is pretty much the middle finger to pally tanks. Pallies are taken as tanks more due to necessity than preference. You’re not picking a pally tank who reserves orbs over a warrior who reserves orbs at strat live because guess who probably has some raid gear which will stomp any chance of being equal as a tank?

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You maybe mean Demoralizing Roar, which is like the Warrior’s Demoralizing Shout. It does generate some threat, and some hunter pets, like Gorilla’s have something similar, which is used for AoE threat, but it’s primary purpose (aside from sometimes usage for getting on a mob’s threat table initially, during an aoe pull) is damage reduction.

Druid’s have Growl, which is pretty much exactly the same as a Warrior’s Taunt, with a different icon for its tooltip.

Haha, fair…

And nah, my point would be more that there would be generally more tanks while leveling. I’ve done low level dungeons with Shaman tanks, and that’s been fine, but I suspect Paladins are much better at higher levels, though of course, as you say, they won’t be raid geared for tanking :slight_smile:

For alliance I would say we definitely do have more tanks because realistically yeah pallies can get the job done which is better than just not going. Paladins at higher levels for tanking is kind of not going to see much improvement because you pretty much come to a grinding halt in terms of gear while warriors do not and bears are taken as offtanks so they stand a chance at raid level gear. Even without taking raid gear into account the druid tank is beating the others by far it’s just a shame there is so few of them.

Being a tank with a mana bar is such a massive handicap I can’t even begin to explain it.

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Oh look, the retail player is here who turns war mode off till he gets epics.

Stop whining.