Horde is OP for Viscidus

Shamans having poison cleansing totem and also frostbrand weapons on all shamans. How can alliance even compete with this?


So, nothing new in SOD.

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Are alliance unable to kill him?

He was not hard at all…

He was beyond easy… On alliance in Era we had to farm LBRS for them venom sacks. LOL

On alliance we freeze him in like 10 seconds with mages throwing out orb and spamming ice lance…

yal just complain to complain dont you

lol… we barely have mages in our run. lol What are mages? lol

by rerolling horde and stop the whining

we have 2 mages, and like 4 caster wanding. Visc freezes in like 10 seconds alliance side. It’s easy

Eggs Sacs. Just like we did in 2019.

Was that Hardmode?

How can horde hunters compete with horn of lordaeron! You must stand within 20yds of grace of air totem at all times! Enhance in your group means a ranged hunter standing 20yds from boss with 8yd min shot range 1 boss movement and you get deadzoned. Keep eyes on grace of air totem or lose 400dps, completely unhinged!


We don’t need to compete with this. He falls over so quickly with frozen orbs.