[Horde] <Indomitable> [Mankrik]

Indomitable is looking for raiders to fill our ranks for the release of classic we need every class and spec at the moment and would love to get some new recruits.

The guild is a Semi-hardcore guild looking to push content and have fun while not making it an environment that people feel pressured to play all hours of the day as if it were a job. We most likely wont be raiding at the very start as we are still needing members but want to get into MC as soon as we can.

Raid times will be Tues/Thurs 8PM-11PM EST

We will be using DKP as a loot system in raids.

Current needs for the guild.

  • Raid Leader - Filled
  • Officers - Filled
  • Hunters - Needed
  • Warriors - Needed (dps)
  • Priests - Needed
  • Mages - Needed
  • Druids - Needed
  • Warlocks - Needed
  • Shamans - Needed
  • Rogues - Needed

If interested you can contact me on battle net Btag is Tsuyoshi#1581 or discord at Derp#2043

very interested will message on discord

ohhh is looking good yes i’ll join it

Great to hear send me a tell on discord Derp#2043.

i’ll do it senpai

(^.~)-b Count me in M8!
Will be playing a Mage

Great to have you! Can always use a good vending machine.

lvl 20 food 20 Copper
lvl 60 water 2 gold :stuck_out_tongue:
Teleports 1000000 gold XD

Cant wait to start

1 Like

what class you need

We are currently in need of all classes at the moment. feel free to send me a message on discord or ask on here if you have any more questions.

played with you on feathermoon glad i found ya wife kids will come over to casual play and i will raid protection warrior

its been a while cant wait to see you all in game.

can i join what classes do u need

we need all classes currently send me a message on discord for more information.

ok will do

Looks like this could be a good place for me to start my Classic journey.

Bump for the guild

I work overnights from 6pm to 6am on a rotating schedule with 4 nights on and 4 nights off. Will it be possible for me to attend raids or no? I’d have to raid from early to mid-afternoon to attend regularly like 1pm to 5pm

most likely wont be able to make raid times, it seems that our raid times will be some where between 7 pm to midnight EST we will raid for 3 hours a night the exact start time is not set.

Hello, I would be interested to join, I’ll be a troll priest. If you still need people let me know.

I sent you a discord friend request, Salinoc is the name