Horde Havoc Dh LF Mythic Home

Greetings to whoever reads this I’m in need of a guild I can call home.For the last few raids over the years I’ve been raiding solo from Nyalotha being 5/12 on mythic 12/-12 on heroic on my dk but I decided during shadowlands I wanted to play my demon hunter a lot more and actually push mythic+ , Torgasht , and mythic Castle Nath with a raiding guild and not stop just clearing heroic over and over . I’m a wonderful person and a great guildy / asset to have . Currently my dh is Night Fae and is on Area 52 but willling to consider the possibility’s depending on what the guild is as a whole . I’m very active and willing to learn and improve

Currently I’m LF more of a weekend guild anytime after 4pm eastern but depending on the day you guys and or gals raid I’m sure we can work something out

Ps I’m always prepared before the raids I’m a good listener and follow directions to the best of my ability . I’m sometimes quiet but love to help those in need and always stay positive even through the worst times

Also for more information feel free to leave a post and if I’m interested I’ll be sure to get back to you guys ASAP.

still looking

Still looking

Are you willing to server transfer for a mythic raid spot ??

Still looking and if I need to transfer I will but I’m already on area 52

Still looking

(18+) (Horde) (Thrall) RAID TIMES fri/sat 10pm-1am EST (7pm-10pm PST) We are a newly formed raid guild made up of former mythic raiders. looking for 2 rdps to finish our 15 man Heroic AOTC raid group. We are looking to push AOTC and move into mythic once we have heroic on farm every patch. Also forming an RBG team for season 1. We have a discord community that plays a lot more than just WoW as well. Simply put if you wanna gear up and clear content this xpac hit us up, that’s our goal. Add my btag if interested (Slippyboy#11424)

Still looking

Hey bud, what’s your availability during the week? Would 7:30-10:30 EST T/Th be doable for you or are weekends explicit?

Still looking and I can raid any day depending on the time

Hey Dìablø! Here’s the spam for my guild, let me know if this will work out for you. You sound like a great fit for our guild dynamic!


Just started a guild with some real life friends of mine. We’ve grown up together and want to create a community to enjoy the end game with, instead of constantly pugging all the time. We plan on raiding Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun, prolly about 7pm Pst which would be 9pm on Illidan. We could definitely use a DH on our team :smiley: Plan on spamming M+ and progressing thru the raid as much as we can.

Still looking

We could use a dps DH.

If your still looking shoot me a message on Area 52 on this account … We raid tues-wens-thurs- 7pm to 10 pm Est … i have one spot left in our 20 man team so plzz let me know ASAP … ty


If you’re still looking i would love a chance to chat, but heres a little info for now.

We formed in 2008, we did not raid BFA at all. We have made our return to wow for shadowlands and looking to get back into mythic raiding.
Fri / Sat from 8-11pm EST and we are looking for a DH.

Actavius#1307 if you would like to chat, take care and hope to hear from you

Still looking

Hey there, we are in desperate need for a god tier DH. We are alliance however, but you could have a home with us. Check us out below.

Eternal Order | Alliance | Sargeras|

RAID TIMES: Thursday night at 9:00 pm EST, more days to be announced


Our core raid team will be pushing progression at a steady pace, but without you having to kill your schedule. We have dependable, talented core players that will help us get through the content and put it on farm mode. We will be doing normal, heroic, and mythic tier raiding.


1 Demon Hunter DPS or 1 Rogue or 1 Tank, for our core raid team for Shadowlands

Hey! We are a semi-hardcore guild that completes the content in a laid back environment while being serious-minded about progression. Mythic+ keys is something we love to do and are always looking for more players to run them with. Our guild is extremely social and we like to communicate with each other outside of raid times.


Our guild has adults 20-35+ with lives outside of World of Warcraft. Real-life comes first. We believe you can enjoy raiding without the constant activity outside of raid.


⦁ Players who bring a positive attitude to our laid-back community. We like to have fun while still being focused on content completion.

⦁ Dedicated players who can commit to long-term raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand occasional absences might happen!

⦁ Players that arrive raid ready with a strong ability to play their class, understand boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve.

Gear Requirements:
As this is the end of BFA, we currently have no gear restrictions to join


Awesome! Contact Brobøt (me) to learn more. Please feel free to reach out to us, ask any questions you may have, and find out if we are the home for you!


** Brobøt **

BNET: Br4wn#1859

DISCORD: Brobot#8506

Still looking