Horde Guild Faire 2025

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: HAPPY 2025 EVERYONE! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
This year on behalf of the Horde Guild Faire staff I’ll be shaking up our usual posting routine a little by having a single post we can revisit for all things guild faire! Each month I’ll update this with a new post with the day and date for each month, as well as any pertinent guild faire news! We hope to bring you plenty (or at least 12 - one for each month) of enjoyable events this year!

Important Info
Keep up to date with all the news and find out more about our events, active guilds, and other important info at the links below!
Event Card: https://wrahordeguildfaire.carrd.co/
Discord: https://discord.gg/dW6nrEKT7s

See posts below for our event postings and any promotional updates! :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


:clock5: When: Sunday January 26th @ 5-7PM Server (5-7PM PST, 6-8PM MST, 7-9PM CST, 8-10PM EST)

:world_map: Where: Wyrmrest Accord (NA Server) | The Drag - Orgrimmar

:grey_question: What: On the last Sunday of every month, dozens of guilds gather together in The Drag of Orgrimmar to meet, mingle, and most importantly help people find their new guild home amongst many wonderful options! No more random whispers or random invites! No more hours of browsing guild finder! Just good old in-game interactions with real people in real time, face to face, with plenty of conversation and getting to know each other so you can find the right guild fit for you! This event is both IC and OOC supported - depending on the guild and your own preferences!

:busts_in_silhouette: Who: Plenty of guilds and guild-seekers alike! We have…

  • :performing_arts: Roleplaying Guilds!
  • :hourglass: Dungeon Guilds!
  • :coin: Delve Guilds!
  • :crossed_swords: PvP Guilds!
  • :fire: Raiding Guilds!
  • :tada: Social Guilds!
  • :trophy: Achievement Guilds!
  • :beer: Small Guilds!
  • :beers: Big Guilds!
  • :night_with_stars: Late Night & All-Hours Guilds
  • :bangbang: And most importantly… YOU!

We look forward to seeing you all there! HAPPY NEW YEAR! :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


I can’t wait to see new faces and old at the guide faire tonight!


As we’re in a new month and there is plenty of love in the air… what better time to find a guild in which you can share - the love that is! If you’re looking for new friends and a new guild to call your home then be sure to come see…


:clock5: When: Sunday January 23rd @ 5-7PM Server (5-7PM PST, 6-8PM MST, 7-9PM CST, 8-10PM EST)

:world_map: Where: Wyrmrest Accord (NA Server) | The Drag - Orgrimmar

More details can be found in the first post of this thread! We hope to see you all there!

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