“Celestial Raiders” is a semi-hardcore raiding guild in WOTLK Classic. Our focus is to have steady progression while keeping a friendly atmosphere for raiders. We cleared all content in phase 1, 17/17 plus 3D and are now working on Ulduar progression; currently 12/14.
Raid days/time
Th/Sun (9pm to 12 am server time). Wed a flex day.
-Raid schedule is posted a month out so raiders can plan accordingly.
Loot system
-We use a priority loot system on thatsmybis. Raiders each make a loot list for each phase that is locked once approved by guild leadership. They get their items when they are due for them. Roll off between players with items ranked the same priority.
We are looking to add 3 dps to our core 25 man raid team. Open to several classes. Mainly looking for exceptional players that can consistently make our raids. DM me on disc (Nadaeria#9749) or in game if interested.