That doesn’t really matter though. You’re arguing bias and using one word (species) to prove actual bias, when the time spent by Blizzard to create one model versus another actually can support a bias argument.
And again, I didn’t see you mention anything about which of the two new allied races have the better racials, likely because that doesn’t fit your Horde bias narrative.
I don’t care if you don’t like them personally. The fact of the matter is that this thread is whining over a Goblin reskin because it’s a new “biological race” or some nonsensical drivel, and trying to call it favoritism, when Alliance Allied Races have a;ready had that in spades.
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It’s all subjective, is all. LF Draenei are just super Draenei, Kul Tirans are just big humans, mechagnomes are just super gnomes. Void Elves, while they’re pretty, have some of the worst lore implemented into WoW in a long time
But of course that’s just how I see it. Personally I don’t give a damn that the Horde technically get a new race, a lot of people wanted Vulpera and I’m happy for them
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Why does it matter which faction has the more unique models? Alliance is on life support and Blizzard isn’t helping at all.
- Boring human focused story
- Garbage allied races with 0 development
- Low player pool for nearly all endgame activities.
Give them a WOW factor, make their characters more interesting, make more internal conflict, give them a highly requested race etc… Alliance needs something.
Please NO on vrykul just more humans again a very tall human is all they are.
the alliance are the only ones that have a new race with the unique model and is kultiran
They’re not a new race, they’re humans.
Hooray for arbitrary conditions and definitions that let MY argument be right because I’ve disqualified all the information that contradicts my persecution complex!
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Why is it so hard for them to comprehend they had access to their mount from the start of bfa with new faction mounts, all the while we’re just getting the bee at the end of the expac … horses and gryphons, horses and gryphons, horses and gryphons
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The only childish thing going on here is how the Alliance screams and cries whenever something doesn’t go their way. Sure, Horde absolutely has people like that, but not to the degree the Alliance does.
I have said it once, I’ll say it a thousand times. Blizzard could give Alliance every single thing they want and people like this will still kick and scream “Horde bias”
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Right, not a single person would look at a npc female vrykul and say they prefer the female kultiran.
Man, if I could just rip out the concentrated angst over pointless lore figures being “killed off” I could probably shame you into deleting this silly post. Because “my wochief died tho” is one of the most exhausted and pointless things I’ve seen fluttering about these forums.
Both sides act infantile. Alliance is handed actual garbage while Horde lifers pretend they’re the Alliance is receiving gold. Objectively speaking, this isn’t the case and never has been. Now that the Horde doesn’t have to worry about falling into the Garrosh trap, we won’t have to worry too much on losing a ‘warchief’ what with official communal leadership, that grievance point just went down the drain.
Actually, that’s inaccurate. it went to the Alliance. Because Tyrande becoming the next warmonger seems likely. Now the Alliance get to be the reluctant bad guys AND have trash people! Please, tell me all about how those obese humans and mechadiaper gnomes have it better. Does the bee grind make it worth it?
You’re embodying a meme. YOU are the Horde lifer that pretends there’s nothing wrong with the Alliance. It’s easy to be that way when you’re playing the only half that’s catered to but maybe I’m just not objective enough to see how identical senior citizen shrek humans (how low are their player turnouts again?) are to golden gleaming Zandalari dinosaur druids.
And you know what the hilarious part is? You started a thread complaining the grind for Vulpera would be too much. You’re a walking stereotype my friend.
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I love my kultiran shamaness <3
Void elf > all
I am happy… and for you dot dot dot
they occupy a race slot, they have the unique model.
And it will probably be something as flawed as protruding belly button kultirans and junkgnomes that few remember exist and only motivate laughter and disdain!
Another race that like void belves has no appeal to alliance players, other than being a blood in the purple elf variety!
Whose value is to be a copy of blood elves from Silvermoon and who yesterday hated the alliance for everything that happened between them and Garritos, so much so that they never sought the alliance or its cousins after being expelled from Silvermoon!
There is already little that deserves attention at ally!
So Blizzard spends all the BfA giving us things that have no meaning or promotes alliance!
Blizzard insists on trying to sell
for alliance as if it was something we wanted but never really tries to give us something we want, even when it’s not High Elves!
Ally says apple and Blizzard understands tomatoes!
Ally talks about melons and Blizzard understands we talk about oranges!
So junkgnomes are a disappointment, no matter how much Blizzard tries to get them racial op, when we get a race made up of saved parts to reassemble an existing ally race and Blizzard gives the Horde a race with unique looks and friendliness. and always wanted by the players!
Junkgnomes are practically an expendable filler as it has nothing to do with Azshara, N’zoth, Sylvannas, Zappy Boy boots or BfA!
The vulpera are just goblins with fox heads. Nothing new here.
personally, i would’ve preferred vulpera to be nuetral. i know their their story is them getting shoved into the horde by death-squads, but not ALL of them are being killed. i mean, there’s still the pirate ones in kul’tiras, god forbid the alliance gets a race that has fluffy tails (besides pandaren, i mean)… instead, they’re getting a crap race excuse of a race, with nothing really differentiating them from their parent-race besides body-mods.
Do you prefer more elves? Anyway, we already have vrykul placebos, made in Kultiras!
but what race do you prefer for the alliance, that the devs or horde members don’t say we can’t have for resource or lore reasons?
klaxxi, Nagas, centaurs, driades, Tol’vir and other models that cannot equip armor or use blizzard mounts have already said they will not be allied races!
So it seems that we are doomed to have only high humans, low humans, micro humans, tree-loving humans, etc!
“Alliance will not win anything!” Sylvannas Windrunner
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Tbh, Blizzard should have made the Drust an actual, living race and given them that. They missed the opportunity so hard…
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