Horde druids forever doomed to be big and chunky forever

After all the hopeful wishing, we got the bad news that Void Elves couldn’t be druids. After all the hopeful wishing, we got the bad news that Vulpera can’t be druids. They can be shamans, but not druids. They can be priests, but not druids. If you have to play Horde because your friends, family, long time Wow friends are horde, and you just happen to be a druid player, you are doomed to play big, chunky trolls or cows for all of eternity, because it’s clearly too much to ask for to have a druid that doesn’t look like a cow or a troll (and for those of you who are morally superior; you KNOW that cows and trolls have negative connotations in terms of outer appearance and don’t give me all your inner beauty preachin’ because the beauty industry isn’t worth billions for no reason, and people have been judgmental about looks since the beginning of time), or has a love of shoes or pretty hair styles on Horde side.

Priests get all these choices and can be almost anything and can be Blood Elves or Void Elves or even HOLY UNDEAD. Even Shamans get to be Vulpera. But druids?! Oh, druid players couldn’t possibly want to be anything remotely cute, pretty, or sexy. They couldn’t possibly want to play anything without horns. They couldn’t possibly be something that is slender and graceful. Obviously we are SO THRILLED with having blue skin or listening to the millionth inappropriate milk joke by adolescent basement dwellers that we couldn’t POSSIBLY want to be a Vulpera druid. And think of how much work and money it would take to make the 3D models for cat, bear, flying form needed to make a Vulpera druid. Nah, they don’t need to be Vulpera druids.

Let them be trolls and cows.

We’ll just tell them it’s a lore thing. Never mind that we shoved lore and all logical common sense down the drain a long time ago.


All Druids are big and chunky.

Even Night Elves. Night Elves are as big and chunky as Elves go.


So you took two whole chunks of paragraphs to basically say you want Blood Elf Druids?


Roll players are the most entitled people in game.

Sorry you can’t be cute


Night elf female druids aren’t big and chunky and have been strip dancing in IF and SW for a decade.


I hope the new druid race is pandaren just to see the look on the op’s face.


I took a whole second paragraph to basically say I want Vulpera druids.

They are big and chunky and strip dancing with their grand height, huge hands and abs of steel.


You spend a lot of time shape shifted, unless you get that glyph of stars boomkins use. I’m cool with being a troll, or you can go zandalari if you’re posture police. Female trolls are slender if that’s your beef. No idea about Tauren


Now watch as Orc Druids become a thing first


To become a Bear, you must first start as a Bear. Such is the natural order.


I thought it was so it would be less disorienting when you turn into a tree :crazy_face:


Nonsense, to become a tree, you just have to trust in your own beleaf!

…I’m so sorry for that one.


Female BE Paladin? Look who’s talking. Apparently wanting to play a cute class makes u an RP player. Let’s all throw transmogs and vanity items out the window because it makes us RP and entitled.


I think Tauren druids look dignified and stately.

Trolls, well… they… uh, also exist.


Blood elf druids
Human druids

Its time.


Do you even shift, bro?


I personally think every race should just be a Druid at this point.
Human: basic brown bear
Dwarf: bears with beards
Gnome: bear cubs
Draenei: bears with hooves
Pandaren: panda on all fours
Orcs: botani bear
Undead: dead bear
Blood Elf: sexualized sexy bear
Goblin: polluted bear


I’ve been shifting since TBC but wut, just because I have cat/druid/cheetah/flight form I can’t appreciate unshifted form and/or the gear that I’ve collected thus far?

They could honestly reskin every night elf druid form to a red or orange skin for blood elves and I’d be perfectly fine with it.