(Horde) Dei Vulgati

Casual mature raiding guild, looking to add to our roster. We’re looking for all roles, but especially at least 1 more dedicated tank, and 2 more dedicated healers for normal and heroic raiding. Casual environment; no item level or class/spec requirements. Our core group has played together for >10 years and have AOTC experience in multiple expansions. Looking to revive our guild and progress through Castle Nathria. 5 man groups for keys forming daily. General raid times Thursday/Sunday 8-11 eastern time (most of us are central time zone, however). Interested parties, Please contact Natarii, Mazreem, Chinzu, Abetrdude, Kanth, Prythe, Aevri in game.
(reposting bc first one had wrong character information)

Are you still looking for 1 more tank and healz? When is someone online to chat on the norm?


absolutely, whisper Natarii in game

edit: I also have a listing on the in-game guild finder for us; if you apply through there, you’ll get approved and prompted to join as soon as someone sees it.