Who is Cuddling Edge?
Cuddling Edge is a new guild composed of both long-time and new friends from all walks of life. We have multiple players with CE, +25 and overall high end fast paced experience. We plan on instilling a culture of clean, efficient clears and drive each other to be better players. Community is a strong focus to us as well, and we pride ourselves on an inclusive and welcoming home for all returning, new, and senior players.
Requirements for Cuddling Edge
- Seeking vocal players who are looking for fast paced and aggressive progression.
- Ability to receive and provide constructive criticism as we all have plenty to learn and can learn from each other.
- Prior raid Experience in either Retail or Classic.
- Discord is required as it will be how we post signups, call outs, and overall communal plans.
- Ability to make 90% of all raids, and provide ample time should time need to be missed.
- Knowledge and understanding of class and mechanics as fights come out.
Raiding Core for Cuddling Edge
Raid Times:
Raid times are W/F 9-12 EST. Expectation is to be on 15 minutes minimally for raid invites.
Current Prog 9/9 H 1/9 M 20+ timed
High Priority Needs:
Warrior DPS or Tank - High
Rogue - Medium
Resto Shammy - Med
DPS w/ Healer OS
All skilled players are still invited to reach out.
Socials are always welcome!
Mortemir#0974 - Discord
Forthejim#11602 - Bnet
forthejim - Discord