Horde controlled Darkshore

:neutral_face: Well thenā€¦ Baine would be sorely disapointed in them Iā€™m sure.
<Next thing, sees Baine in the background manically laughing, weapon raised -chasing a treant running in fear with tears streaming down its face>
ā€¦ Hmm, it appears I have now lost faith in the Horde.

Jokes aside, thatā€™s still sadly disappointing ā€¦ Though, then again - The Ancients (The trees, not the Wild Gods / Loa) were siding directly with the Alliance so itā€™s not necessarily huge deal them to be burning them. But the forests themselves / hurting the Furbolgs etcā€¦ :sob: Blizz, why!?

Oh please. Night elven questing has you massacring entire furbolg tribes to ā€œpurge them of corruptionā€ whenever a furred biped so much as sneezes. Itā€™s not even cloaked under another guise at this point. In the War of Thorns, after a Horde WQ has you violently coercing one furbolg tribe, the Alliance WQ has Delaryn declaring that means theyā€™ve been corrupted and need to be put down.


Yeah, one of the prime reasons when people responded to my Furbolg Nuetral Allied race thread - ā€œFurbolgs been Allied race is fine, as long as their Alliance only, Horde are the only oneā€™s that hurt them!ā€
I respond with "What!?"
But yeah. :disappointed_relieved: Sad times for the lil Bear-peeps.

Honor Hordes version of trolling Orc warriors?

All this is telling me is that Blizzard really wants me to stop playing a druid.


I like the Horde. As someone who would like to see the Horde exist, if not win, the Horde needs to step up its Druid game.

Maybe Forsaken can learn Drust magic?

Maybe Wardruid Loti rivals Malfurion with a Loa-based upgrade?

Maybe Voljin becomes a Loa-Warchief and inspires a new generation of Troll Druidism/Loa Worship?

If Malfurion is the Master of Nature, and no Horde Druid can counter his use of it, Nature must be kept at bay. If not destroyed.

Understandable, imo.

People were mad about drust Kultirans. Drust forsaken? Na, druids everywhere would lose their minds!

Also, people are mad about the horde slaughtering a few dozen furbolgs, yet the NE drove all the murlocs insane?! Shame! jk, no one cares about murlocs.

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Horde has some solid druids, we just never see them do anything. Our druids also suffer from a similar issue that our leaders do. They all chose the martial vocation over magical.

Runetotem, Zenā€™Tabra, and now Loti are all feral druids that focused their training on shapeshifting and martial combat, and in the Warcraft universe that is a strictly weaker option than going for a caster focus.

There is only so much a non-caster can do.

What would be nice is if there was a group of Horde druids and shamans working in Ashenvale or something to regrow the trees being cut down and heal the land of any Blight that was used. At least show that the Horde is cleaning up its own mess instead of painting our shamanistic nature worshiping faction as violently opposed to all things natural.

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This forum really needs signatures :rofl:


I mean the ā€˜Alliance did nothing wrongā€™ crowd could use a few identifiers, and seeing how many of them start stapling quotes from people they think they are ā€˜smarterā€™ then is a good start. :stuck_out_tongue:

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