Horde complain about Q times but have a 95% Win Rate

Its no secret.Why dont we talk about the pathedic win rate of alliance in pug bg’s?

O…Horde dont bother yapping about that huh LOL

Only time I can win a bg really is if its a premade most the time. Unless im carrying extra hard…

Backs in knots today

someone crunch the numbers, how often does horde win a game (minutes) vs alliance (minute). I bet horde wins more per hour than alliance.

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When you waiting an hour and half for a BG, your entire team would play harder too.

What an amazing take. I have solo queued about 35 games and won 8 of them. 95% winrate is accurate.


I enjoy the challange actually fun when my premade has to put max effort vs horde pug…

But pugging as alliance LOL goodluck winning cuz u most likely aint. to many Ape Alliance

well, with YOU in the team, the winrates drop considerably…we call this “special-cause variation”.

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AV win rate is 100% past couple days now that horde is back to max turtle/defense strat. I’ve played like 20-25 this AV weekend and won all.

AB/EOTS have been below 50% for me because I’ve ran into a lot of ally premades. Pug v pug games are all over the place.

Horde does better in AB pug v pug for sure though I’d say. Horde in EOTS has just been bad.

WSG seems to be pretty good for horde; way more druids queuing and they carry hard.

This 95% winrate thing has to be a meme by now. They moved the cave back and alliance said they could win as long as the cave location changed.

The problem is alliance is still trying to play a zerg Drek strategy and it fails every game.

I don’t blame them for it because they have instant queues, but horde is literally winning 100% of AVs right now.

I haven’t lost a single AV since AV weekend started.

yeah we dont have a 95% win rate, closer to 40% and dropping with all the premades and just getting outgeared at this point. its week 2 of season and i still just have pvp trinket

funny, because when i was doing bgs on both my horde and my ally lock, and i won about an equal amount of times on each. its almost like its completely anecdotal and is completely rng based on who you get queued with / against.

Here’s a solution to both problems. You give us Merc mode. We get lower queue times, you get pumpers on your team…

There was just a thread where somebody did the math using their horde and alliance characters, which I found interesting:

Fixing Honor, Queue times, and PvP Gearing - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

That’s not how it works. Historically, merc mode wasn’t utilized much and when it was, the people using it (primarily, Horde players) wouldn’t even try to win.

It also goes against the design of faction vs. faction conflict.

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Yeah gunna hard pass on that one bud :+1:

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I lose bgs all the time on horde nice fake news with “95%”

If I wanted bad PvPers who scrambled to get an HK when they realized they outnumbered people 3:1, I’d already be playing Horde.

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You are not thinking that far ahead. Your problem can always be improved by getting better at the game or queuing up with better players. Our problem however has no solution what so ever unless we totally abandon our faction and switch to alliance side. So while your problem can be fixed; ours is basically permanent.

Getting better at the game is one thing for small skirmishes, but not overall in a BG. And we can absolutely premade - but the pool is massively smaller than on the Horde.

I’m not going to argue that the overall winrate actually matters, when what actually matters is the honour gain over time. It also doesn’t take into account Horde PvPers that don’t have a dominant winrate.

what a weird way to complain about being bad at the game