Horde Civil War

You say that, but if it happened, I bet you’d be complaining about how the story was all Horde-biased.

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That would depend on whether or not we’re forced to have drinks with Thrall on said beach.

The real galaxy brain strategy right here.

Of course, expect the devs to say that doing so would only lead to the destruction of the Alliance too for -Insert asinine reason here-. You know, despite fact it is so closely bound now it is making people sick. And can account for 95% of the success on Argus and destroying the Legion.

Blizzard really has done a pretty stellar job making the Horde seem pretty pointless with Legion and BfA. More so when you remember that Garry and and handful of Orcs could apparently threaten both superpowers with just the remains of an Old God.

The power dynamics of Warcraft have become so very strange…

Eh, the reason we’re even joining hands to fight the Naga in 8.2 is because it becomes easier to consolidate the storylines as the expac goes on.

I can’t imagine Blizzard having the resources to write an Alliance story, and two separate Horde stories. They struggle enough keeping two in line, can’t imagine trying to add in a third that actively splits a faction.

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You see the issue winds up being that since blizzard doesnt actually want to have a “Morally Grey” story, they wan’t to write a story where their favorite characters save the day from the big bad guy, and don’t care what they have to do to do that. If they dislike a character or race, such as, say, Goblins (Which is the one race i’m almost positive they despise) they will go out of there way to try and make everyone else dislike them as well.

How much they do it veries in terms of egregiousness, but we got stuff like Golden retconning it so Gallywix destroyed Kezan (Something he both couldn’t do, as he was only mining the surface and never got nere the chamber, and didn’t do as we already knew THE GIANT EVIL EARTHRENDING DRAGON WHO SAID HE WAS GONNA KILL EVERYONE ON KEZAN DID!) and The killing of dozens of memorable forsaken characters as quest fodder, while simultaneously villain batting them. Unlike Garrosh who they had the playerbase turn against naturally and was an actually good villain, Sylvanas is very much a forced to turn against her situation.


Honestly, the only thing keeping me invested in the Horde War Campaign atm is seeing whether or not they’ll allow Nathanos to turn on Sylvanas (and why). Seriously, the only reason I can think of for him to constantly be everywhere this expansion is Blizz is building him up to take her place once she’s gone (and even her Warbringers symbolically states that even he wont stand beside her by the end of this conflict). So … I am intrigued a little there.

I also have … perhaps extremely naive hopes … that Gazlowe’s larger focus in 8.2 is building him up to replace Gallywix as leader of the Bilgewater (I mean, unlike the rest of the Steamwheedle who are working under the table with the Horde, Gazlowe’s effectively thrown his neutrality out the window; so might as well make the best of that fact). I’m also slightly interested in who exactly these “others” Rexxar was planning on tattling to, since it appears that it was Saurfang that went to retrieve Thrall (provided Rexxar isn’t just going Senile at this point).

Will they finally bring in Sumuro into WoW (he would be pretty darned Old tbh)? Perhaps Chen?

All things point to Nathanos beating the dust side to side with his master. Frankly the Blanduinitis has reached such awful cancerous levels I fully expect them Blizz devs leaving the Forsaken leaderless while they make time to install the lightforged undead abomination as racial leader.

As Really pointed, this story is basically about the pet characters of the writers getting their own way regardless of how terribadly written they are.