Horde Casual

I have a question when it comes to Horde Casuals and being able to do BG’s. I rolled Horde because I’m Horde at heart, couldn’t really care about the racials. I played a Resto Shammy for raiding and did some BG’s for fun, not caring about pushing rank. I did that 15+ years ago.

I’m on a carebear server because I’m older and don’t have time to get stuck with world pvp and all that bs. Horde on my server are outnumbered by alliance at least 3:1. When the honor system was released I did the whole SSvTM fight, though it was mostly all done at TM due to being outnumbered. Alliance pretty much ran amuck in Org because of WB’s and parsing. Once BG’s where released that pretty much stopped.

Now we’re in BC classic, Horde BG queues are trash. People like myself who just want to have some fun in bg’s or arenas are pretty much screwed. I play with some people that I met when WoW was new and we just want to have fun.

We experienced a small bit of what Alliance did during the start of P2. Is it fair for people like us who are just casuals and not hardcore to have to deal with this just because we chose the faction we wanted to?


The Alliance will come here and say, “Yes, it’s fair! Re-roll Alliance. It’s your fault. Suffer the consequences.”



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Oh you mentioned racials and you’re horde, threads gonna get closed now.

thanks for saving us time

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The favor is for the OP, not Alliance scum. :kissing_heart:


Wait wait. Is this thread really a “I’m outnumbered on a pve realm so I shouldn’t also be subject to long queues” thread?

You’re right OP. You had it as bad or worse playing on a pve realm than alliance did playing on PvP realms.

You and your group of friends should be given honorary Alliance status and be allowed to queue with us.

Because y’all lost a fight in south shore. On a PVE realm. Where none of you had to flag.


Listen here dooki, leave us alone.


This is to good now horde casuals are upset. What about all the alliance casuals? Is someone going to fix there problems too?

What about all of us who dont premade and lose 90% of bgs you going to fix that for them as well lol. Oh wait git good right lol

[Orcish] G o T o RE T a IL

I also want to point out that the Alliance are NEVER going to give a hoot about your perceived “Horde problem”. The forums are not a place to voice your grievances; they are a place to mock players like you who don’t just “shut up and enjoy the game” (their words, not mine) in whatever state that happens to be. The best you can hope for is that Blizzard takes notice while lurking in the background. That’s a worthwhile effort, I suppose, but like all things in life: there are no guarantees.

If I can make a suggestion, consider SWG Legends (if you’re a former SWG player). The devs LOVE their community, they will respond, they will listen, and the player base isn’t a cess pool of toxic stew anxious to post the billionth snarky remark that help them advertise their superiority over you. That’s just one example, but in truth, there are many games with better communities and developers out there. The Blizzard base are an angry and vile mob: heartless, lacking in empathy, uncaring, insulting, and proud of it.

So because Alliance had it bad everyone has to?

Tell me your sob story the next time that I get 14 Horde lvl 70s all flying in to nuke a group of 3 Alliance trying to do the lvl 60 towers quest in HFP.

You are right - your problems are tantamount to crying about not being able to eat your cake and have it to. You can fix your issues by bandwagoning less

It’s not even that. Look around the forums. I mean, even if someone has some constructive feedback here, they just get trampled under sarcasm and witty, backhanded quips. It’s become the language of the community. You’ll mostly see some combination of, “Re-roll Alliance; Go back to Retail; Haha bye; Can I have your stuff?” and other variants. Even if Alliance had all the advantages, that would only embolden them more to laugh at your misfortune. They are not here to assist; they are not here to help you; they are not here to pass on advice; they are here for the LOLs and the heart karma.

The only reason I am here is because I can’t bring myself to game while I’m supposed to be working, BUT I will give myself permission to procrastinate by writing things during my brief sojourn in TBC and its forums before I make my hard exit in a few weeks.

I understand your issue. So I challenge you, instead of just complaining - give a viable solution that won’t cause a large problem, or community backlash. I challenge anyone upset with the queues to come up with one. The reason blizzard hasn’t addressed this was because any solution they crate would have That.

Merc mode? No - would ruin the very little essence Classic has left or faction importance.

Horde —> alliance xfers? No - Not enough would transfer I bet (they still want their racials or their races). Plus it could super over balance some servers like yours OP to be even worse for horde.

Reroll? Yes - but it is understandably a pain and unwanted solution for a lot of people.

Wait for those that get upset and quit reducing the number of horde that queue? I guess… lol

Maybe all 15 man BGs could be done as 15 horde vs 10 alliance, but all 10 alliance characters get a 30-50% hp and power boost? No a good idea… but I like this one.

So I ask, what is a good solution? Because right now I don’t think their is one, which means the best solution in reality is live with it or reroll sadly.

Reroll or hope blizz will put the same changes in that they did later where premades face premades.

I can’t remember when they did this though, I think it was wrath.

Right, the same thing alliance forum cryers saw for two years straight regarding actual screwed up design mechanics from horde players.

There will be more alliance crying, with more horde tormenting. The one time y’all have something to cry about, you can believe we will be here with our derision. It’s well earned.

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To a player like me (and possibly OP), it’s just weird toxic behavior. I wasn’t here in Classic. I only came back recently because I liked TBC. But ^%$* me for rolling Horde, am I right?

I think this is the only hand holding solution for the bandwagoners that should be considered. I understand the whole “they made their decision now face the music” mentality but if Blizzard is going to cave in on anything I’d prefer that they cave on this potential solution. Obviously the H -> A transfers should be one way only and only on servers that are already extremely Horde bandwagon favored (basically most of them). Doing so would be solving 2 issues at once - it would help bring queue times closer together and it would help with the non bandwagon faction having more people to do content with.

But how would you do it?

When they xfer do they get to choose their alliance race? Making those who are alliance upset they can change their race for free?

Or what if they get assigned a generic race based on their class, how would the players xfering feel?

Still not a good solution. I agree it is the more possible one but still not a good one

Yea but really what is constructive feedback? Horde lately seem to think that means “we want merc mode” and everything else is Alliance mocking in the forums.