Horde bros, I kneel

Horde can finally carry us in m+ and raids.


agree, time for the horde to carry us the alliance!

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Who am I to kink shame


Yes! I want a cute Hordie to carry me in his arms :heart:

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enter CHADren


No carries here. I’ll always bring my A game. If I don’t pull my own weight, I’ll keep myself out.

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LFR will be nicer. its rough there.

Not even a carry thing. Tanks just vanish on you. And we aren’t abusing them lol. LFR is so bad they could legit be the worst tank ever and you keep your mouth shut. lest you wait forever for a new one if they drop.

Horde lfr tanks stay whole wing. its nice. Haven’t even alliance lfr’d of late. last time tried we were staring at wing 1 boss 1 for like 20 minutes till I said life is too short, I am out.

Have had boss 3 nightmares too. Horde side…in, run and done. So nice.


I hate to break it to you but it’s only for premades.

I know I know but it’s true

sigh…well this takes off well and they expand it later. A man can dream still right? lol.

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Idk if our backs are that strong though.


What happens if a worgen and a vulpera enters a dungeon?

Lots of fur and hairballs on the floor?


Can’t wait for all the people who want to play alliance to leave the horde.


Or if its a vulperan, tauren, worgen pandaren and a high mountain.

Oh lord the fleas!

Also…you thought moonguard goldshire was wild now … O_o

Makes you wonder how the faction balance is gunna shake up.

I predict we’re gunna see a LOT more Night Elves, Dwarves and Humans when going Alliance doesn’t lock you out of a significant chunk of end-game.


Many are already on alliance.

this won’t be shifting whole server pops lol. I like many roll both sides.

PVP side…this isn’t even reaching unrated. Horde wants to be be alliance…well…merc it up.

1 line, that’s all it took, just 1 line to ruin the cross faction play.