Horde: Blizz says they would like you to stop playing

From Ion in today’s QA:

“The extra rewards were meant to encourage more Alliance to participate but also to make Horde who did not like PvP to turn it off. Alliance participation is increasing and Horde participation is decreasing.”

Darned Horde scum, how dare you PVP?


Guess they love killing their own subs :rofl:

Wouldve been way better to make it a weekly rotation so everyone is happy, or just have it cycle along with warfront.


Its a pretty stupid idea to be honest.

Maybe if they asked why more people prefer to play Horde rather than Alliance they might deal with the issue rather than the symptoms of it.


Ion is a freaking moron. He needs to stop opening his mouth. I like pvp, this is NOT FREAKING PVP YOU MORONIC TOOL



That was a really stupid thing to say… imagine saying we want players to stop playing one of our features … genius


Encouraging players to not play, top flight design. Or top flight rationalization of a bad system.


The thing is, it’s clearly not working. Instead of horde turning it off, they just stay in orgrimmar with it on, and the system remains broken. Ion Is bad at his job.


better option is to have a pvp area with a daily quest and that quest area changes each day to a new zone.

Both sides will pvp and fight in that zone because they want to gank or they want the reward.


Apparently Horde think PVE people should be forced to turn war mode on for the extra 10%, and Alliance shouldn’t be allowed to attack them. Not sure what they think Horde who do like PVP to do, but maybe there aren’t any.

I can’t even follow what you’re trying to say.

There are 3 groups of players. One is those who never turn on war mode, who are boring terrible people that don’t matter. Two is the fair weather pvp’ers / want the free bonus. Three is people who enjoy wpvp. Based on the so called data and “system” in effect, it seems clear that more of the horde are in group 3. We are admittedly getting our asses handed to us because of alliance 40mans and our stubbornness about grouping up, but we’re not crying about getting killed. We’re pissed that you’re getting free loot guaranteed to you every week because of some dev’s bias.


If they changed to rewards to say pvp rewards carebears probably wouldnt be doing warmode on either faction.

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You should really turn it off at the account level.
Turn the money off.


Turned off wm but also turned subscription off at same time earlier today. Turning Ion’s job off and giving us the same quest is a good way to bring me and others back.


I already did, but sadly I have enough account time built up to be here till June.

Really, they should stop these QAs. Maybe it’s better not to know what they think of us…

you guys can turn it off you know…10% isnt anything alliance ignored it all expansion, seems like you guys are just dealing with “World PVP” now which isnt fair 99% of the time.

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dOnT yOu GuYs HaVe PhOnEs?

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you used to buy into the whole “horde is more mature thing” not anymore ROFL.


Fixed it for you, sir.

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I actually like PvP and I turned WM off. You got your wish Ion or whatever the f your name is. scrub.