Horde and Alliance Symbol

Along the lines of this old forum post :

OP asks where the Horde symbol comes from; many posit that it’s a paw of some sort, or a rune.
My question is why does the Alliance have two different symbols? There is the typical lion head that is on banners, but there is also a PL type symbol, like the hilt of Ashbringer. I see it used a lot for PvP flags. Why does the Horde have one universal symbol, but the Alliance has a Lion and a PL thing?

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That’s the Lordaeron Banner you are talking about right? in that case I’m not sure… if you noticed the Lordaeron Banner is mostly present in Alliance PvP and Classic related stuff, so my thoughts were that it was originally supposed to be the original Alliance Flag (Because that was the Alliance banner during the previous warcraft game RoC/FT), but it was changed to the lionhead symbol instead since the Current Alliance is the Alliance of Stormwind and not Lordaeron.

However during release I assume they had nothing to replace the icon/banners left over and just decided to stick with it.


The Horde symbol is just the Orcish rune/word for “Horde”.

The stylized L is callback to the Grand Alliance of Lordaeron, the foundation of the current Alliance. Some still consider the Alliance to be a continuation of this, while others regard what exists now as its own, new Alliance.
The lion is the crest of Stormwind, the symbol of the current cornerstone of the Alliance.


Alliance need an update to their symbol. A more fierce looking maybe even roman gladiator type lion or something other than the Louie the Mountain Lion one they have now.


Maybe a baby crying instead would be more appropriate for the alliance as that is all they ever do until blizzard spoon feeds them.

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new Alliance logo


That’s hilarious :joy:

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There were several MGM lions but the most recent and current one is Leo.

h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_the_Lion_(MGM)

Thank you for all the info!

The lion is the Stormwind sigil. The LP is the Lordaeron sigil.

The Horde sigil is intended to be the Dark Portal and/or a toilet seat.

The Alliance is not crying, it’s the alliance players who are crying.

But why does the Alliance PvP use the Lordaeron symbol and not the Lion symbol, if we are are currently the Grand Alliance of Stormwind, and not Lordaeron?

Oh I’ve figured it out!
Lordaeron is where the Alliance keeps getting their butts handed to them, over and over again. So to use the Lordaeron symbol as the PvP flag it’s like saying “remember the Alamo!” or some such battle cry.

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Besides, most of the remaining Lordaeron citizens are in the Horde now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Horde symbol is a toilet seat. With spikes. In the centre is a turd that just won’t flush away.

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