Horde and alliance dracthyr

Gnomes aren’t beasts like Humans and Dwarves they were the result of the curse of flesh they’re extremely human like

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High chance swapped, the Nightborne and Void elves were rejected by the base races. The Void elves will have a tiny change instead discovered by Sylvanas and then Sylvanas will have the scheme to sabotage the Sunwell during the Nightborne scenario.

edit: There will be no Burning of Teldrassil if this scenario existed as the alliance will lose all connections to Kalimdor.

edit 2: Maybe even Garrosh remained Warchief longer as Theramore weren’t sending troops to Ashenvale and the alliance wouldn’t be a military threat.

In the Dragon Isles completely unaware like they’re not all knowing like how were they supposed to know

They keep gnomes for snacks, just like every one else.

Maybe the Night elves could have helped temper the Orcs bloodlust.

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Not as much as to the Tauren already helping.