[Horde] 3 people looking

Hello myself and 2 friends of mine are looking for a non elitist mentality type raiding guild. We understand loot rules and to bring consumes. But also dont want to be treated like trash if we goof up somehow. My 2 friends have experience with classic vanilla,classic tbc and original tbc.

We consist of 1 feral bear,who would like to do bear things =) and do cat things when needed. Pretty much fully pre raid bis.
Ele shaman pre raid bis.
And a lvl 67 confused pally who needs help on what direction he should go of either prot or holy.

Please take the time to consider us. We would like to find friendly environment where we can help people get things done . Thank you

Heyo! Sounds exactly like what our guild is about. Alot of enjoy meta/theorycrafting, but a bunch do not - we’re just trying to put together a raid team to get through tbc with and have fun.

Most of us quickly approaching 70 although we have a few 70s as well. If you guys have any xp with raid leading or guild leading too, we’re looking for people to join the guild council

If the guild sounds up your alley give me a shout! or Sketti, Slinkey, Bins, Silos

Hey there!

We have room for all three of you as we are still building our team. Our core is made up of AOTC raiders from retail, and we switched to TBC because retail is, well, retail. We’re growing and learning from each other, helping out with professions, running dungeons, etc. Our one rule is treat others well, so we’re a diverse and inclusive lot. The guild is named Comraich (com-ree) which is Scots Gaelic for “sanctuary.”

We’ll raid when we’re ready, and that’s optional for us. In retail, our raid times were T/Th, 9:30-11:30 pm Eastern (also server time). We’re spread out over four time zones, so that was our sweet spot. If that works for our crew in TBC, then that’s what we’ll go with.

Let me know if you’d like to chat more, or feel free to contact any of our guild members ingame.

Mizmac#1505 (btag)
Mceuan#9150 (Discord)

Hey there! We at are looking for an Ele shaman, bear drood, and a holy/prot paladin to complete our 25 man raid teams. We raid Tues/Thurs 8-12 server. Reach out to me in game on Akindoka, or reach out to Pownos. You can also find me on BNet @ Doka#1934. Only requirement is DBM and a threat meter. Loot is going to be EPGP for 25 mans and MS>OS for 10 mans.

I thought we’d throw our name into the hat. Tues/Wed or Wed/Thurs at 8:00PM Server time. We have a great mix of new players and experienced raiders, and would love all of you. We’re going to be using a soft reserve loot system, and would love to have all 3 of you.

Our mentality is raid smarter, not harder. We don’t care about screw ups as long as everyone is learning, and honestly Kara is a lot more fun without perfection. We have room in kara for the two level 70s tomorrow, and we’re working on our second group daily to make sure everyone who wants to raid can.

We don’t plan on being a very big guild, maybe 30 people total, but we started as a small group of friends that rolled into TBC together, so we love to grab similar groups.

Let me know if you’re interested or have questions.
Bnet: bdetinne#1941
Disc: bdetinne#1162

We’re a casual, play the class you want, the spec you want, crack a beer open and chill kinda group. Raids are on weekends, Fri/Sat 9pm to 12am eastern. Hard end time for rl stuff. Message leavaris#1533 bnet or /who
Just reg people doing the raids for fun. : )

Thanks for the replies everyone I’ll get in contact with you tonight and tomorrow at the latest if your free.

Hey ignore all these other people Jetpack Ninja Dinosaurs would certainly love to have you guys. We have immediate openings for all those roles specifically for our G3 Kara and fulltime positions in 25 mans. We raid Tues/Thurs 11pm-2am server time
We definitely need a Tank Druid, ele shaman and could honestly use a Ret paladin/Holy or Prot
Please message me in game “Adal” or discord Adal#1495